CHAPTER FOUR: Uhhmm, eat? I'll be glad to.

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                     Alongside with the sun, Alyssa was also up and about and have on a fresh garment on her body. Even though she hasn't slept completely last night as she was awoken by her nightmare, the little encounter she had with Ozan made her night not so bad. She has relieved their encounter again and again when she was on the confines of her room until she found herself snoring away the little rest of the night before she woke up again just to see the sun already rising in the sky. Even though she has been exhausted that night, her mind still woke up early and there she guessed, old habits die hard. Not waiting for Nory or Janice to fetch her or bring her breakfast like the last four days that she's there, Alyssa made her journey towards the kitchen as she knew that they were already up and sure preparing there.

                     Reaching the kitchen, the delicious aroma of the food being cooked bombarded her and she took a deep inhale. Beaming, she greeted Nory, Janice, and another maid who she later learned the name as Loren. 'Ozan requested your presence at the breakfast hall a while ago, so I guessed you'll have your breakfast with him' Nory informed her. Alyssa hearing this became nervous and at the same time, giddy. She'll have breakfast with him. Oh heavens. Alyssa looked down on her dress and she felt like scolding herself. She has ought to spend more time in choosing an outfit as she found herself wearing now a plain pale green long sleeve dress reaching down to her ankles. It was one of the simple outfits that she found on the dresses that have been provided to her since the first day that she woke up here. Wait a minute, why am I fussing over my outfit? It's not like I'm here to have a date.

Oh, come on. Even though it's not a date, we know that you hope it was. Her subconsciousness told her making her feel embarrassed. Oh, shut it, little self. She scolded internally.

Lounging for a little bit more on the kitchen, she started leaving towards the breakfast hall after gathering her courage to face Ozan again. Will he bring up what happened last night? Alyssa wondered. Oh crap. She was caught twice being there at the cabin by Ozan. He would really think that she was trespassing. Alyssa facepalmed herself.

Reaching the entrance of the breakfast hall, Alyssa had a second thought of running away. I can say that I fell sick. 'Right! That'll do.' Whirling around to go back to her room, she yelped and jumped in fright when she was greeted by Ozan's figure standing steps before her. Her heart beating furiously due to the shock, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. Looking him over, he was in a formal attire and his hair was up in a half up do again just like the first-time he caught her in the cabin.

'Going somewhere?' Ozan asked her after a while of silence.

'I-I, no. I was just about to go in. Good morning by the way. If you don't mind, I'll head in.' Not waiting for his response, she turned and headed inside the breakfast hall. Ozan in the meanwhile found her reaction amusing and his lips curled slightly upwards.

Completely inside, Alyssa took in the appearance of the breakfast hall. It was a huge room, and a long rectangular marble table were placed on the center and facing the left side, a sliding door leading to the garden was built. Not knowing where to seat among the six chairs, she waited for her host, Ozan. This is his house after all. Still looking at the table, Alyssa waited to hear his footsteps, but she can't seem to hear it. Turning back towards the entrance's direction, she watches Ozan as he walks in-no, more like glides in. The man walks as if he's floating on air, and he was graceful.

When Ozan was beside her, he gestured to her the seat close to the head of the table. 'Shall we?'

'Oh, sure.'

Following behind Ozan, she watched as he pulled the chair out for her and looked at her expectantly. At first, she was confused but then he gestured for her to take a seat. Flushed with embarrassment, she sat and after, he pushed her chair close to the table a bit. Such a gentleman. She felt sudden fluttering on her belly especially after looking at him as he took his seat next to her at the head of the table. Noticing her reddening cheeks, Ozan slightly smirked making Alyssa redden even more.

'Have you slept well?' Ozan asked her to initiate a conversation.

'I-I, the trip to the cabin last night helped.' Especially our encounter.

Ozan hummed in response and once again directed his stormy eyes on her. Alyssa finds herself hitching her breath as she was hypnotized by his orbs. They're beautiful. Ozan seemed to be under the spell she was in as well as he watched her also. They were just watching each other's face as if committing every detail to mind when the spell was broken off by the light knock on the hall's wall. Alyssa was the first to break eye contact as she looked towards Janice who was walking towards them now with a silver tray on hand.

Janice reached them and she started arranging the food that was on the tray on the table. Alyssa watched her while all along feeling Ozan's gaze on her. She's feeling her palms start to grow sweaty due to the intensity of his gaze while her insides are doing flips and turns, her heart hammering on her ribcage she was sure he can hear it. When Janice finished arranging the foods on the table, she murmured something to Alyssa that has Alyssa's cheeks heating up. 'Enjoy your date.' Alyssa wanted to correct the girl but before she can do that, the girl has exited, a hop on her steps.

Alyssa waited for Ozan to give her a heads up so they can start eating but the man hasn't moved or budged from his staring. Alyssa starting to feel squirmy as her heartbeat was increasing it seems as the time passes that he was staring at her, she wanted him to direct his gaze away from her, for now at least. For now, at least? Where did that come from?

Don't fool yourself, you wanted his attention, admit it. Her subconsciousness told her. Oh, shut it, self.

'Uhh-uhhmm, eat?' Alyssa spoke to break the tensed silence, tensed in her part at that.

'I'll be glad to.' He all but growled making Alyssa look up at him just to see him looking at her like he was ready to devour her. Oh, heavens! Alyssa was sure her now face was resembling a tomato. 

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