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We left the administration line and said thank you for all of the help that they provided and headed to our lockers.

Anna and i were locker neighbors, luckily. She got locker 231, and I got locker 232.


I saw the new girl leaving to head to her locker, listening to there conversation. So I quickly got my stuff and left the line, saying a small thank you that was bearly noticed.

We got to our lockers and we were all talking. We were all locker neighbors. Me 233, Hic 234, Mer 235, and Punzie 236.

Once I had decided to turn around I saw her. We were going to be locker neighbors. Then I put my stuff away and grabed my math book, and headed to class.

Aparently me and the new girl had the same first class which was a relief. I am always alone.


I grabed my stuff for math class, said goodbye to Anna, and went to class.
Once I arrived in the classroom I noticed that everyone was putting on some type of makeup to impress someone.

I read the board,"Class you may take a seat anywhere, choose wisley that will be your permanent seat for the rest of the year." So I took the seat all the way in the back right corner.

I heard the door swing open in the beginning of class so I looked up. What I saw was amazing.

Jelsa, High SchoolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ