Before The Date

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Today was the day that I had my date with Jack. I still had to go to school, though so I got ready. I put on this above knee black and white dress, with white heels, and my hair in a french braid to the left.

Once I got dressed I put on my usual makeup then went down stairs. Anna was down eating chocolate ice cream, with waffles.

"Anna, what are you doing?"


"I won't tell mom if you let me have some."


"YAY!!" I screamed loud enough for the whole block to hear me.

"OMG, Elsie, SHHHH!"

So I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of chocolate ice cream and waffles.
Before I left I grabbed 2 granola bars and a water. Then to the garage and to my motorcycle.

"Bye, Anna see you at school."

"Bye, Elsie!"

I started my engine then opened the garage. Afterwards, I was off to school. I saw someone in my usual spot, with his motorcycle, it was Jack he was waiting for me. Awwwwww! How sweet.

"Hi, there snowflake." He said.

"Hey Jack." I said getting off my motorcycle.

"You know that you didn't have to wait for me."

"But I wanted to."

Then I got my stuff and gave him a peck on the lips before walking down. He was blushing when he turned around. I giggled.

I have to admit I really like Jack. I hope he likes me too.


I walked down the structure, with Elsa and was blushing like an idiot. Then I heard her giggle it was so cute.

I have to admit I really like Elsa. I hope she likes me too.

~Skip to last class of the day Music~

I caught up with Elsa on the way to music class this was her favorite class of the day.

"Ms. Winters, and Mr. Frost "

"Yes" We said in unison. We both giggled, well I did Jack chuckled.

"You guys have 3 days to write a love song, and preform it in fornt of the class. You guys will be performing on Friday."

"Okay" we both said again.

Elsa was called up to preform a song. She decided to preform Blown away, by Carrie Underwood.

Everyone applauded

I was blown away.

~1 hour later~

I caught up with Elsa after class, and walked with her to her locker.

"Hi Jack!"

"Hey snowflake."

"I am going to leave to get ready for our date tonight okay?"

"Okay, pick you up at 5:00"

"Okay see you then"

Then she left.


So I left Jack in the hall way because I was going to go get ready for our date.
I rode home on my motorcycle.

Once I get home I parked my motorcycle, and ran up stairs.

I went into the bathroom to go take a shower. After I finished my shower I went into my walk in closet.

I had a very hard time deciding, but luckily I found the perfect dress. I honestly didn't know where we were going so this is what I picked out, I picked out a.................

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