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jonathan was a bit intimidating at first. he wore tight black jeans and quite dark clothing. the only color he had was a flannel. even then, it didn't contain any bright colors. once steve actually spoke to him though, he was pretty nice; definitely your average introvert.

jonathan helped steve unpack the rest of his shit and steve helped him. they spoke briefly but it was mostly the two at work. jonathan was the type of person to make you feel oddly safe in their presence even without any words being spoken.

"so jonathan, what's your major? i just realized i've been around you for hours and still haven't asked," steve said, brushing his hair back and checking out the dorm after it was finally completed. jonathan exhaled loudly, finishing putting up the last poster on his wall.

"photography. definitely. i've always loved it. my little brother always suggested that i should be a photographer. for some reason, i refused. i think i was too scared to go to college and leave my family. but luckily, i'm not too far from them. so everything should be alright."

well, shit. jonathan really is a real person. steve thought he was some sort of ghost with no life.

"it's getting late. you got any classes tomorrow?" jonathan asked, plopping down on his bed with a loud groan. he seemed exhausted from moving a bunch of shit. steve could tell he was used to it, though.

"uh, yeah. actually. but they're only afternoon classes. i could probably just chill at the library this afternoon," steve replied as he checked his watch. 10 p.m. pretty late. he copied jonathan and plopped on his bed as well, burying his head as far into the pillow as he could. he was going to change out of his pajamas, but he passed out as soon as his eyes closed.

oops. || steddie fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz