are you a ghost?

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they haven't talked since the night steve was with eddie.

steve was full on panicking once the third day came. eddie didn't even show up to his work when steve literally told eddie his shifts. he asked robin if he showed up when it was only her working and every single answer was a 'no'.

steve slumped in his chair at the front desk and brought his hands in his face, letting out a quiet groan as to not disturb the customers. it was saturday, the busiest day.

steve could feel robins eyes burning into his skin.

"eddie still hasn't said anything?" robin asked, checking out a customer and thanking them for shopping. steve just shook his head and looked up at her. "i don't understand, steve. did something happen?" she asked, turning her body to face steve.

just say it, steve. she won't judge. just say it.

"we kissed. well, many times. he kissed me first and then we just... yeah."

steves entire body felt like it was burning now. just by the pure embarrassment he felt. he knew robin was gonna tease him; he just knew it.

"steve," robin whispered in a gentle voice, walking towards him and leaning down so she was at his eye level. steve removed his hands from over his face, exhaling shakily.

"did i do something wrong?"

"no no, not at all. eddie just.. he shuts down sometimes. but it's better if he explains it to you himself. once our shift is over we're gonna go to his place, okay?"

"but we don't know if he's home-"

"he's home, steve."


steve wasn't nervous until after robin knocked on the trailer door. to steves surprise, eddie answered the door quickly, like he was just waiting for steve to show up. he looked like.. eddie. he seemed fine but his expression wasn't as smug as normal. his hair was getting longer and steve honestly wanted to cut it himself. steve saw a tiny spark of happiness in eddies eyes when they made eye contact and that still gave him hope. maybe there was still a little bit of love he had for steve that steve could revive.

behind eddie appeared a smaller boy. he looked to be in high school. he had curly hair that was hidden slightly by a hat and he wore your average nerdy clothes. did eddie have a brother or something that steve didn't know about?

"so is this the famous steve?" he asked, and he had a noticeable lisp when he spoke. eddie shoved the boy slightly and cleared his throat.. was that blush on his face?

"robin, steve. what are you doing here?"

"what am i doing here? i haven't heard from you in days! ever since we... hung out. you're lucky robin actually dragged me out here or else i wouldn't have tried to reach out."

eddie stared into steves eyes with every word he spoke. he almost looked guilty. he opened the door wider, allowing robin and steve to come in. they did.

eddie led robin and steve quietly to his room since his uncle was passed out on the couch. steve snickered at it a little as he walked past.

once they made it inside his room, eddie pushed steve into his bathroom and closed the door, locking it. he locked eyes with him and something changed. he looked so heartbroken.

"i'm sorry. i'm sorry i just randomly ghosted you. i-i didn't know what to do. liking someone is terrifying and i haven't felt this way in a while. it's extremely hard for me to process my emotions so when i do, i try to cover them up. i'm bad at understanding other peoples emotions and i couldn't tell if you were just leading me on or if you genuinely wanted something. and i'm sorry if it seemed like i was leading you on. i just don't know what to do when people actually show interest in me. and, god, i'm rambling."

steves smile grew wider and wider with every word. eddie looked pretty even when he was rambling. steve took careful steps towards the boy, taking both of his hands and intertwining their fingers.

"you are. it's okay, i'm not mad. i was just worried. who's the little shrimp in your bedroom? a brother?"

eddie snorted and squeezed steves hands, shaking his head and plopping his head on steves chest. steve got a bit of eddies hair in his mouth and had to aggressively smack his lips to get the strands out.

"no, no. that's dustin henderson. he's one of my best buds. he's in my D&D club, which you should definitely join."


that seemed to get a good laugh out of eddie. they stood there for a few more seconds, eddies head comfortably on steves chest and steve rocking them back and forth. eddie was just a lonely man who needed a bunch of love. he needed someone there for him.

they were interrupted by knocking on the bathroom door. that made steve almost jump back from eddie. eddie opened the door and spotted dustin once he looked down.
"hi. robin wanted me to check on you two. is everything okay?"

eddie looked back at steve, noticing how quickly he jumped back and a sad look crossed his face. "yeah, we're okay. steve just had some shit problems."

steve scoffed and slapped eddie very delicately, which earned a smile from him. but it wasn't enough; eddie still didn't look right after that.


dustin was even more nerdy than eddie. it seemed like every word that left the twos mouth was something that steve didn't understand. it all sounded like gibberish. even robin managed to chime in at times and seemed interested in the conversation.

steve still didn't know what him and eddie were. there wasn't exactly any confirmation on what they were because dustin decided to interrupt at the perfect moment. now steve was just.. confused.

but even if he knew what him and eddie were, how would he come out? robin kind of already knew, but he still had to tell his mom and possibly dustin.

believe it or not, steve actually gained a liking to dustin. he made eddie happy, which made steve happy.

dustin and robin decided to head into the kitchen and get snacks. robin actually suggested it, which made steve believe that she was just trying to get him and eddie alone. as soon as eddies door closed, steve tumbled to the floor by eddies body weight plopping onto him. he winced and let out a groan, opening his eyes to see eddies grinning face above him.

"hi harrington."

steves heart fluttered. eddies voice was so much softer now that him and steve were alone. steve couldn't help but smile.

"hi, edward munson."

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