"dont ya, harrington?"

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vol 2. haha. it's gonna be hard for me to finish this fic but i'll try my best. aaaaaaaa

this time, steve woke up before eddie. he was actually surprised to open his eyes and see the boy facing him, fast asleep. he looked so peaceful. his face was relaxed and steve swore that was the first time he'd ever seen eddies face actually relaxed.

steve reached his hand out and grazed it along eddies cheek. eddie didn't move, just snored quietly. cute. he took his time getting out of bed, stretching and making sure his back cracked at least twice. he quietly scurried out of eddies room, not wanting to disturb his sleep since it seemed like he didn't get much of it. when he walked out, he noticed robin already awake, just staring at the ceiling. she looked like she just woke up and was trying to actually gain consciousness.

"hey, rob. want some coffee or something? eddie also has some weird energy drinks, i don't know. whatever you're into." robin glanced over at steve, not really bothered by his presence or anything. she stood up slowly and walked over to him as she stretched.
"nah, i'm good. not a caffeine drinker. do you wanna maybe.. talk about what happened last night? between you and eddie? and earlier at work?"

fuck. fuck. fuck.

steve inhaled sharply as he scanned eddies kitchen, trying to navigate his way around so he can actually fix himself some coffee. "uh, yeah. yeah. so basically eddie took me to this makeout place-"

"skull rock."

"..yeah. that. he took me there and-"

"did he makeout with you steve?!" robin interrupted again and he made eye contact with her, bringing his hand up. "let me finish," he demanded softly as robin mumbled a quiet apology.

"we were talking and uh.. well, he said some personal shit. i mentioned him getting with a girl or whatever and then he got extremely uncomfortable. so i was like, wow, okay, that's strange. he took me back and as we got ready for bed, we had a minor argument. and uh, turns out, eddie munson is into dudes."

before robin could get out any words or squeal or anything, eddie walked into the kitchen, still rubbing his eyes. he looked adorable, in a way.
"'morning. am i interrupting something?" he grumbled, opening his fridge and pulling out another energy drink. that was fast.

"no no! not at all. steve and i were just uh.. talking about you, actually! and about how nice of you it was to let us stay over again." robin laughed nervously and steve almost wanted to face palm. smooth, robin. eddie didn't seem convinced. he opened the can and took a good, long sip, making eye contact with steve after.

"hey man. did you sleep?" steve finally said, trying to play it off cool. but it physically hurt him how badly he wanted to pull eddie into the biggest embrace of his life. he looked so soft and cuddly like that and steve wanted to steal him. eddie paused for a moment and then nodded. it seemed convincing.

robin announced that she had to pee. very. loudly. maybe it was to give steve a chance to do something, or she just really had to pee. it was probably a mix of both. once she left, there was a huge wave of tension and they could both feel it. "you don't feel.. weirded out that i'm gay right?" eddie finally asked, breaking the cold silence.

steve stared at him blankly. why would he be weirded out?



"wait, eddie. i'm not homophobic. in fact, i don't even think i'm.. well, i don't know. it's confusing." eddie perked up when steve said that and it was almost like his puppy dog eyes lit up. steve could have sworn he saw a little hidden smile. "it can be very confusing. but i'm here for you if you need anything, alright?"

please just kiss me already.

steve nodded after realizing he was just staring at eddie. okay. steve probably likes guys, eddie likes guys. just do something. before anything else happened, robin came back in. she made her entrance very loud so that she didn't accidentally walk in on anything.. "weird". as if they were gonna do anything.
"hi. so steve and i have classes we need to get to soon. if you could drive us back to campus soon that'd be great."

robin? being responsible for once? how odd. steve shrugged and quietly shoved his hands back in his pockets. "i'm not really in the mood for classes today," he muttered, but began putting his shoes on. "you can skip!.. with me, i mean. like- we can just chill at my place," eddie blurted out, staring into steves eyes. he looked almost like he was begging for steve to say yes.

and he did.

he knew he shouldn't have said yes, but the way eddie looked at him made it so hard for him to say no. they gave robin a ride back to campus and steve stayed with eddie.


god, steve was nervous. as soon as he stepped inside eddies trailer again, it was like a million chills ran up his back. he felt eddie staring at him from behind him and he tensed up, exhaling slowly. "you alright, harrington?" he asked in a low voice. that was lower than usual. that was definitely lower than usual.
"i'm, uh, yeah. yeah i'm fine."

"i can always just drive you back," eddie cooed and stepped closer to him, resting his head on steves shoulder. steve shook his head and slowly glanced at eddie. "can i braid your hair?" he asked rather loudly, to ruin the tension. eddie seemed surprised at this question but a big smile formed on his face and he smiled, running to his room. steve assumed he had to follow.

when he entered, he saw eddie on the bed with a hair tie. he was fidgeting with it. once he saw steve, he patted his bed and grinned widely.
"come sit. i've been waiting for someone to actually want to braid it."

"you're in luck, munson. my sister used to always want me to braid her hair since my mom didn't want to learn how. she taught me one time and then boom, i got obsessed with doing hair." steve finished speaking and sat down, motioning for eddie to turn around. eddie turned around with his eyes facing the wall and steve combed his fingers through the thick hair for a little. god, it was lovely.

"where's your sister now?"

"she's.. uh. she's not here anymore. she died about a year back."

silence. too much silence.

"oh, i'm sorry."

"it's not your fault! i moved here from ohio to go to college. kind of a fresh start. my mom wasn't too thrilled about it, since that meant she'd be alone in her house all the time. my dads out of the picture. he was uh, pretty abusive. drunk all the time."

eddie tensed up as steve began to untangle the hair with his fingers. he didn't wanna ask for a brush, since he wanted the braid to be extremely messy. "i'm sorry.. if me drinking ever bothers you, please let me know," eddie whispered, and steve immediately shook his head.

"not at all! it's really okay. i know you're not like him." when steve said that, he paused for a second. eddie wasn't anything like his dad. in fact, he wasn't anything like anybody he's ever met. he's.. what's the word?


as steve began to braid eddie's hair, he went quiet and stuck his tongue out in concentration. eddie couldn't seem to sit still; he was constantly fidgeting with something. whether that was his shirt, his rings, his bracelets, whatever. steve knew by now that he just had issues sitting still.

once he was done, he smiled to himself and touched the braid one more time. "okay, i'm done." as soon as steve said that, eddie turned around to face him.


he was so beautiful. every single time steve looked at him, he was mesmerized by his beauty. this time, he could see every aspect of eddies face and none of it was covered by his hair other than his forehead, that was still covered by his bangs. steve brushed a few loose strands behind eddies ears and he noticed eddies small smirk.

"you wanna kiss me, don't ya, harrington?"

steves entire face turned red. he could feel the heat rushing to his face and he shoved eddies face away, standing up. "you're so full of yourself," was all steve could say. because yeah, he did wanna kiss eddie. that's all he'd been thinking about since he met him.

"come on, harrington. let's get some food."

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