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My children, our world has become too dangerous for you. I shall send each of you off to new worlds— Places where I should hope you can rebuild, restart.

I now speak directly to you— thrive here, on Earth, but do not let this imposing paradise deceive you. If the flame grows too big, it will grow out of control. Humans are limited beingsgullible and vulnerable. Do not let the temptations of this land compel you to destroy it. Alas, my time grows short, the minds of mortal life grow further and further away from the light, shrinking into the darkness. I'm afraid mankind is doomed... no matter how much we help them, they will still fall. My children, let your spirits thrive, passing time through the generations that will come to pass. Be strong, my little ones, and do not lose hope. The darkness grows stronger every day, and the temptation becomes too difficult to resist...

Goodbye, children.

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