Chapter 2: The Wait Ends

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My life sucks. There hasn't been anything to do ever since we left the house. Giani was busy writing stories with my cousins, and talking about whatever it is they don't let anyone else see. Josh and Lucas entertain each other with stuff only boys would be entertained with. And that leaves me with nothing but my misery and sorrow. The line to get on the ship was like a mile long. Actually, it wasn't to board the spaceship, it was to sign up to get on the ship. Yeah, so we won't be leaving this place for a few days. I'll be drowning in boredom before that day even comes! "Hey, Sophie, look at this rock," My younger brother requested. "Oh, that's pretty... will you have space to fit all of your rocks in your suitcase?" I asked. I was only doing this out of spite. The rock was average, there was nothing special about it. I just don't want to hurt Lucas's feelings.

The days passed slowly, just the same boring cycle over and over again. On the ship, we had the option to stay in a room near someone specific. Therefore, we will be living next to our cousins during the trip. At least that won't be completely horrible. Their friends are also staying near them, so that's someone new we get to meet.

Finally, after four horrible days filled with absolutely nothing to fill up my tea cup, we got called up to be taken away from this horrible camp. "Can I have the Venzel family to the boarding station," the announcer requested through the speaker. "Okay everyone, get your things together," dad said. "Joshua, can you carry Lucas's things," mom asked, "Ugh, fine," Josh replied unwillingly. Eyes followed us as we walked past the people. I did my best not to look, but I ended up looking anyway. People were staring at us all right. Some were most likely jealous while some of the younger kids were probably just curious.

I was really excited to see my cousins. We'd basically be like siblings the time we're on the ship. I think it's going to be fun... My cousin Alexander though. I like him, but I feel like he acts like a parent (at least around me.) He's no fun unless he's doing something with people his age, like Giani and Vivian. I think he's trying to be good around me, but just ruins my fun. Maybe it's just because I'm still a little kid.

The transportation ship was about the size of a house. Several other families were also aboard the ship. We waited on the ship for a few minutes for everyone else to board. After a few minutes of being cramped in between my sister and Josh, we finally felt the ship beginning to move... "I... I-I guess this is it. The last time on Earth," Lucas squeaked quietly, in between tears. I hated this too, I bet the big ship would be crowded and smelly.


"Alright everyone get in line everyone!" That made me jump. Some military dude was using a megaphone to order everyone into lines. From what I'd heard from my cousin, the camp they were at wasn't a military boot camp, but the wait to be taken up to the main ship was also much longer. The military guy was just doing this for fun I bet. We were already doing what he was ordering us to do before he told us to do it. Peyton, one of the friends I brought whispered in my ear, "That military guy is kind of hot though." I shooed her away. "Oh, shut up," I replied. I know we're highschoolers and all, but that guy is probably like twenty-eight, so I don't see how she could think that relationship would work out. Kurt on the other hand was being the idiot he always was. Kurt was a chubby, average height kid. He has dark brown hair and gray-green eyes. Peyton was tall, at least to me. She was actually probably just over average height... in other words I'm small. She had short, dark brown hair and light colored skin.

Hey! Someone pushed me! Oh, it's her, Amy Stellman. Obnoxious, sassy, annoying, egotistic... There are so many words I could use to describe her. "Watch it loser," the blond hair brat of an imbecile retorted. Honestly, is that the best offense she can come up with? I decided to come back saying, "If I'm an idiot, then what does that make you? I mean, you barely have passing grades. I have all A's in all of my classes." She opened and closed her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then her dad moved her along. Her dad was a successful businessman, but that was about the only thing she had going for her. She's basically the real life Regina George but no one liked her from the start.

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