Chapter 4: The Journey in Between

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The days that we've spent on this trip were boring and slow. Just like the last few chapters... Hopefully something interesting and fun will happen soon but I don't think that anything too exciting could happen aboard this dump of a ship. I don't want drama like Sophie does though. Sophie and I have fun together. I get a lot of attention just because I'm the youngest— eight years to be precise. Sophie was, as my siblings and cousin's say, a drama queen. I don't really know what that means, but I do know that she likes to make things seem like they are a lot more interesting than they really are.

Leaving home was really sad, but that's over now. Most of my life will be spent on the new planet. Actually it wasn't new. Apparently it's been around longer than our old planet as well.

School was weird. I'd always been homeschooled before, so going to school was very weird. I think my parents would've kept on homeschooling us if the government weren't forcing the parents to have their kids go to school. Socializing is easy for kids my age, so I made friends easily. I just let them start talking and join in on the conversation... But that's beside the point! I started third grade this year. I got to go to the gifted class because I was slightly ahead of everyone. I think I'm doing pretty good.

Anyway, enough of the school stuff. We left almost a month ago. I always liked to go to the big hallway with the windows that showed outside of the ship. Space was awesome! It went on forever. There were a lot of stars too, a lot more than I could see on Earth. There were also these weird blobs of blues and purple light, and some areas had a lot of stars clumped together. There was one that was really cool. Alexander's friend Lincoln says it's called Westerlund Two. I didn't know they gave those clumps of stars names! Giani said it looked like, "The celestial city of heaven," while Kurt said it looked like a mass of space clouds.

When we first saw it Lincoln pulled up a picture of it on his phone. He said it was really far away from Earth, and the picture was taken from some big telescope made by NASA. Alexander pointed out that there were some parts of it that looked like ghosts or evil spirits flying around. I don't know what I saw. I just thought it was cool.

The days passed by the same. The food was the same. But you've heard that already. What's new? Actually, something just popped up! Just as we were getting ready to leave school, an announcement was given to us through some intercom. The guy said, "Attention everyone, we are expected to arrive at the planet Hīdreatt in five days time." Finally, we can get off this ship! I can't wait!

Escape to Xonelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن