The Fight

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‘Are you napping in the day just so you can annoy me later when I’m trying to sleep?’

‘I can’t very well nap with you talking, can I?’ I replied, opening one of my eyes to peek at Bradley who was hovering between the bedroom and hallway.

‘You can definitely sleep when people are talking,’ he disagreed, closing the door behind him with a smile. ‘I saw you do that in detention multiple times.’

‘You should have been writing lines and not staring at me,’ I pointed out as I shifted to get more comfortable on the bed.

‘I didn’t stare,’ Bradley said. He crossed the short distance and stopped at the end of the bed looking down at me. ‘I gazed longingly.’

‘Same thing,’ I murmured with a small smile of my own. My expression quickly dropped, and I let out a squeal when he grabbed both my ankles and yanked me down the bed. ‘Hi,’ I added, blinking up at him as he leaned over, bracing his arms either side of my head.

‘Hello, sleepy.’

‘Like one of the seven dwarves? Does that mean you're Dopey?’ I teased.

He raised his eyebrow at that.

‘I’d be the prince, of course.’

‘You mean the guy that comes in at the end after being entirely useless the whole movie?’ I grinned.

‘Yeah, that one. You can be Snow White. I’ll even kiss you to wake you up,’ Bradley replied, fingers toying with the ends of my hair. ‘Though, it may take several attempts, so you’ll have to bear with me,’ he added, allowing some of his weight to fall on me.

Instead of responding, I slid my hand to the back of his neck, urging him to come closer. His lips on mine should have felt like second nature by now but it was just something I’d never be able to get used to. It was probably just me being all dramatic but each one of his kisses felt like the first.

‘How was today?’ he asked quietly, transferring his lips to the edge of my jaw.

‘I hate packing. I didn’t realise I had so much stuff.’

‘You have so much stuff,’ he agreed close to my ear. ‘Why? Throw some out.’

‘I can’t help being sentimental and ever so slightly materialistic,’ I protested. I was nowhere near as bad as some people.

If Remi was the most hoarder-ish person and Bradley was the least, I was somewhere in the middle.

‘Anyway, I’ll go through it all soon. First, I need to speak to the landlord and confirm I’m all good to go back there. I spoke to him on the phone earlier but it’s just easier to do in person, y’know,’ I explained.

I realised my fingers were tight on his shoulders. He drove me insane when he showered me with kisses like this. Also, stealing my moves was illegal! That was supposed to be one of his weaknesses not mine.

He paused at my words and raised his head so he could look me in the eye once more.

‘You spoke to him this morning?’ he asked.

‘Uh-huh. In between helping mom with the stuff in the attic and sneezing at the dust.’

It was hard work helping my parents move out. Boxes upon boxes of crap I didn’t even know existed. They were shipping some non-essential stuff out to their storage unit, things we didn’t use all the time or that they could pick up later when they’d secured a new house. My mom would be an amazing realtor if she ever decided to get a license. The amount of house hunting she’d done over the years... I wonder if they’d ever settle down and buy a house. We’d always been renting because buying was far too much hassle when you could be leaving with a month’s notice.

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