Chapter 1-Alxton

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Chapter 1: Alxton


Everything was chaos.

Alxton ran through the lab, dodging the falling debris and trying to find Biffle. Why did I decide to do this? He asked himself. He knew he would almost certainly be killed by the Ender Dragon, but he also knew Sigils would be devastated if they left Biffle to die. And nobody else was willing to risk their lives trying to find the members who had gotten lost. Members. As in more than one person. Apparently, Karan had also gotten lost in the collapsing lab, as Alxton found out when they collided head-on. "Karan?!" Alxton shouted. "What are you doing here?!" "Trying to get Biffle to the time machine!" Karan yelled back. Wait... BIFFLE??

"Where is he!?"

Karan shifted slightly, revealing a bloodied Biffle behind him, who seemed to be losing consciousness. "Found him near the entrance," Karan said, gesturing towards Biffle. "The Ender Dragon was right on his--"


"...tail." Karan finished worriedly, "And now It's after us, so how about we run now?" Alxton nodded. Taking a now-unconscious Biffle on his shoulders, Alxton started to run back to the time machine, Karan following close behind. Alxton had almost started to believe they'd make it out alright when the Ender Dragon broke through the wall, clearly in even more of a rage than before. Alxton didn't know if it was targeting Biffle, or someone else, or just wanted to kill, but it made no difference. Karan had already reached and entered the time machine, meaning that Biffle and Alxton had to get past the Ender Dragon by themselves. The Dragon hadn't attacked them yet, but Alxton figured that was only because they hadn't moved. Looking towards the time machine, Alxton noticed that Sigils and Henwy were arguing loudly.

"You have a bow! Shoot it!" Sigils was yelling.

"Do you want to bring the Dragon over here?!" Henwy shouted back. "Because that's all that shooting it would do!"

"Um.. guys?"

"Well this is your monster, so you need to deal with it!"


"I didn't create it! Gold was the one who--"

"GUYS! Can you please both SHUT UP! You're just going to draw the Dragon over here anyways if you keep shouting!"

Alxton realized that he should probably be running. Since the Ender Dragon had been distracted by Sigils' and Henwy's argument, Alxton was able to sneak to the back of the lab and turn the time machine on. A loud rumble echoed through the lab, and the Dragon turned sharply towards Alxton and Biffle.

Welp. We're screwed.

As the Dragon lunged towards them, Alxton slid between its legs and made a mad dash towards the time machine's entrance. He could feel the Dragon's breath on his back. As Alxton approached the entrance of the time machine, he saw Sigils learn over and grab Biffle. The sudden change in weight caused Alxton to fall forwards, pushing Sigils -who was loosely holding Biffle- into the time machine. As the Ender Dragon shot a fireball at the time machine, the system finally had charged fully, and was about to teleport. But Biffle and Alxton still weren't fully inside. The time machine shimmered out of view, and Alxton's last thought was;

Hopefully this ends alright.

A/N: Thank you for reading! I'm not very confident in my writing ability, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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