9. the burden of knowledge

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chapter 9

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chapter 9. the burden of knowledge

warnings: just plain angst. also not edited.

THE curse was broken.

   The curse was broken. Emma had broken it with the power of true love. Operation Cobra was complete. Henry had proven that he was right all along. The people had their memories back; they were themselves again. It should be a joyous occasion, and it was.

   For everyone except Max.

   She stood and watched from afar as friends and families reunited, an outsider to their happiness, because, unlike them, she had nothing good to remember. Still, she didn't regret helping Henry break the curse. Everyone except her had benefited from it. This was just a necessary evil. Max was simply someone that was meant to suffer; she remembered that now.

   She didn't say anything as the others discussed how magic was back, stopped the mob from murdering Regina, and locked her in a cell. She kept quiet when Ruby drove her and Henry to Emma and Mary Margret's apartment to keep them out of danger. Her silence lasted until Ruby had left and she was alone with Henry, because she knew there was no longer any way to avoid speaking.

   He didn't waste a second to bring it up. "You have your memories back now. You can finally tell me about everything."


   "So you're really a mermaid," Henry smiled.

   Max cleared her throat. "Um... yeah, I'm a mermaid. I lost my ability to travel between worlds a while back, though. Pissed off a witch. Apparently, they don't like it when you steal their stuff."

   Henry sat down on the couch, and Max took a seat beside him. "How did you get legs?" he asked.

   "The usual," Max chuckled. "Made a deal with someone with magic." Seeing the look on Henry's face, Max was quick to add, "Don't worry, the prize wasn't much. They just needed a little help."

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