Chapter 5

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Jonathan and Jordan walked a few steps behind Clark as they made their way to the barn.

"You should use you super-breath on dad." Jordan joked, shoving Jonathan gently. Jonathan looked over to him.

"Okay." Jonathan took a deep breath and then gently blew out, directing the air to Clark.

Clark turned around as his fringe blew up.

"Getting a bit cocky are we?" He chuckled.

"It was Jordan's idea." Jonathan blurted.

"You agreed to do it." Jordan complained.

"It doesn't even matter boys, I'm not angry, in fact, I'm glad that you've learnt to control it so quickly." He spoke. Jonathan smiled.

Once they had entered the barn cellar, Clark picked up a metal rod.

"Okay Jonathan, we don't actually know what your strength is like now, or if you even have more than you should, so try and bend this please." Clark handed the rod over.

Jonathan looked at it skeptically. It gripped it with both sides and tried to bend it. At first, noting happened, but then he twisted the rod into a circle.

"Yeah!" Screamed Jordan. "That's so awesome!"

"Yeah, good job!" Clark spoke.

"That was so weird." Jonathan spoke. He had dropped the rod and was inspecting his hands.

"You'll get used to him." Clark and Jordan responded in unison.

For the next 2 hours the 3 boys trained. They did anything from punching the wood, to bending metal bars and buckets to even crushing bricks with their bare hands.

"We should be going in now boys, it's nearly 7:00, and it's getting dark." Clark spoke.

Both boys let out a sigh.

"But we're having so much fun." Jordan whined.

"We can do more of this tomorrow, but your mum probably has dinner finished now, so we should go eat."'

Jonathan huffed. "Fine."

He threw the metal bar he was holding into the pile of hay in the corner of the cellar and made his way up the stairs.

Jordan and Clark followed.

Jonathan trudged across the grass, hands in his pockets. Once he made it inside, he slunk down into his chair at the dinner table.

Only then did he realise how tired he was.

"How was training?" Lois asked. She was stirring a dish of pasta as it boiled.

"Tiring." He began, "But I can twist a metal rod so that's cool." He put his elbow on the table and rested his head on his hand. "How much longer till dinner?"

"Not much longer, I'll dish up in 5 minutes probably." She responded.

Jordan and Clark entered as she spoke.

"Hey guys, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes."

"Cool, I'm starving." Jordan exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too." Clark added. They both took a seat at the table as Lois started to dish up.

Once she had dished up and put all the bowls on the table, the family dug in.

"This is delicious mum." Jordan mumbled, his mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Clark commented. Jonathan laughed.

Clark managed to keep the conversation going throughout the dinner, and once they had finished their food 30 minutes later they were on the topic of superheroes.

Jonathan and Jordan both got up and left the room after putting their dishes in the sink.

Lois and Clark watched as Jordan went upstairs, presumably to shower, and Jonathan went outside.

"He's seemed off since we got back inside, I'll go check on him." Clark offered.

"Yeah that seems like a good idea, thanks." Lois answered.

Clark got up and left the room, not before discarding his bowl in the sink with the other two. He walked down the hall and opened the front door slowly.

Jonathan didn't notice him, or if he did, didn't acknowledge him. He sat down on the step beside him.

"Hey." He whispered. Jonathan looked over to him, eyes red with unshed tears. "Hey, what's the matter?" Clark pulled Jonathan into his side and hugged him tightly.

"I'm scared." Jonathan sniffed. He brought one arm up to rub his eye.

"About what Jon?"

"Everything," He mumbled. "What's going to happen to my body?"

Clark chuckled quietly. "A lot of things Jon, you'll become really robust and you'll bulk up a lot." Clark took in Jonathan's expression. "It's not as scary as it looks, and you'll be fine, I promise."

Jonathan mumbled something unintelligible.

"But that's not the only thing on your mind, is it?" He spoke, Jonathan reluctantly nodded his head.

"What's going on Jon?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to stuff up all the relationships have with everyone now." He hesitated.

"Jon, that's not going to happen," Clark sighed.

"You don't know that!" He snapped. "I had this really good relationship with mum because we both didn't have powers, what's going to happen t that, I have powers now!"

"You are not going to lose that relationship with your mother, it might change but it's not going to disappear." He wiped a tear off Jonathan's cheek.

Jonathan looked to the sky.

"You know that I'll never have a home planet." He pointed out sadly.

"What do you mean, earth is your home." Clark spoke.

"I might live here, but I'm not from here, and I'm not from Krypton either. I'm am literally from a non-existent place." He spoke. Clark tightened his grip around Jonathan and he kissed his head.

"It doesn't matter where you're from, if you've got people you love and people who love you, you're going to be alright. I know that better than anyone." Clark chuckled sadly. Jonathan turned to look at him.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you to Jon, and I promise that we are going to get everything under control."

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