Chapter 11

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Jonathan fixed his glasses so they sat evenly on his face before buttoning up the shirt he was wearing. He combed a hand through his hair before leaving his room. He walked down the hallway before knocking on his brother's door. Following that he spoke quickly.

"Can I come in?" Silence followed for a moment after but he did get a reply.

"Sure, but I need your help with something." Jonathan pushed the door open and saw his brother digging around in his closet. He was still in the clothes he had worn to school.

"What's going on?" Jonathan asked, slumping down into Jordan's beanbag.

"I have no idea what to wear," He complained. He chucked out a pair of jeans and a relatively nice t-shirt.

"You know you sound like a girl right?" Jon pointed out. Jordan snapped his head over to glare at his brother. Jon held his hands up in defeat. "Sorry." He dragged out.

He got up out of the bed and wandered back downstairs to where his parents were making dinner.

"Hey Jon." His dad spoke. "You ready to tell your grandfather?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Jon responded quietly. Clark walked over to him and brought him into a hug.

"I know what you're going through is really tough, trust me, I would know. I'm also so proud of you for being this brave, and for telling your grandfather." Clark mumbled into Jon's head as he rubbed his back.

"Thanks, dad." Jon mumbled in response.

"Its okay bud."

"I might go play a game or something." Jon muttered as Clark went back to cooking.

He jumped up the stairs, skipping every second one. When he entered Jordan's bedroom, Jordan was in the middle of getting dressed.

"Oi! Give me a little warning next time!" Jordan yelped.

"Sorry." Jonathan dragged out playfully, falling into Jordan's beanbag dramatically.

"I assume you found something to wear?" Jon spoke as he turned on the gaming system.

"Yeah, I think so." Jordan replied, pulling out a t-shirt and pants. "What do you think?"

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Jonathan questioned.

"Yes..." Jordan faltered.

"I think that it is good for you, but then, if I was wearing it, it would be pretty lame."

"Are you saying the my style is worse than yours?" Jordan asked, mock offence clear in his voice.

"Yeah, I am, wanna join the game." Jonathan deflected, trying to cool the situation before it got out of hand. He held out a controller, shaking it at Jordan.

"Dude. I'm literally standing in my underwear. Why would I play right now?"

"I don't know, I've played video games in literally nothing before." Jon shrugged.

"C'mon man, that is disgusting, was it in my room?"

"I can't remember, it was like 3 years ago." Jon chuckled. "So are you going to play or not?"

"I guess it couldn't hurt to play one game." Jordan decided. He grabbed the controller from Jon's hand, and pushed Jon to make room on the beanbag, where he also sat down.

They ended up playing way more than one game, so when the door opened and Lois walked in, Jordan fell off the beanbag.

"Boys, you are supposed to be getting ready." Lois scolded. "Your grandfather is going to be here in less than half an hour and Jon, your face is dirty, and Jordan you aren't even dressed yet."

"Sorry, mum." The boys said in unison.

"Its okay." Lois breathed. "But having my dad over makes me really stressed, so having you guys help out and be compliant is really helpful."

"I'm really sorry, I was also just really stressed about talking to grandpa, and I wanted to be distracted so I decided to play games. I'm sorry I roped you in Jordan." Jonathan admitted.

"It's fine guys, really, but I would really like it if you went to get ready now, so that you aren't rushing at the last minute."

"Okay." They said in unison again. As Lois left, both boys got up. Jordan went and grabbed his clothes, tugging them on as Jon made his way into the bathroom to wipe his face and actually brush his hair.

Once he was done, Jon made his way back downstairs and into the living room. He plonked down onto the couch and picked up his book. Then, he opened it and began to read. It was a good book; about a gay kid who moved schools and decided to not tell anyone and just pretend to be straight. Somehow, Jon felt like he related to the boy in a way. He just didn't know how.

He had been reading for a little while when there was a knock at the door. He continued to read as his mum jumped up from the other couch, going to answer the door. He only ceased the reading when his grandpa entered the room, trailing behind his mother.

"Hey son, glad to see that you are feeling better."

"Hey grandpa, thanks, I'm glad I'm feeling better too. I felt really bad for a while." Jon responded politely. His heart was beginning to beat faster and faster and he had half a mind to run out of the room as fast as he could. Luckily, as if sensing his brother's distress, Jordan wandered in.

"How much longer till dinner?" He asked. "I'm starving."

"Not long, your father is just finishing something up quickly and then we will eat."

"Oh, okay." Jordan made his way over to Jon and sat down next to him, sighing heavily as Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "This is going to be a long day." Jordan whispered to Jon.

"I know." Jon whispered back. "Come on, let's go wait in the kitchen." He got up and made his way into the kitchen, sitting himself down in his usual seat and Jordan followed, sitting next to him.

They chatted for a little while and before they knew it, the dinner was on they table and everyone was sitting down. As they ate, they chatted about random things, but Jon knew that it was just a matter of time before the conversation turned to him and his sickness.

"Hey Jon." Sam spoke a few minutes later. "How's school going? I know that you must of needed to catch up on a lot of work because you were sick for so long."

"Uh, yeah, it is going fine right now. The teachers are pretty helpful considering everything that happened, and I'm pretty smart so I was able to bounce back and adjust pretty quickly to school life." Jon responded, making sure not to mention that the smartness and ability to adjust so quickly was probably from his father's weird heritage. He also refrained from saying that he hadn't been to school in a couple of days as well.

"That's good, I know that your father has been training your brother, but what have you been up to?"

"Uh, nothing much, mainly reading and schoolwork and stuff."

"Fair enough, reading any good books right now?" Sam inquired.


"That's good. I have to say though, I was shocked when your mom said that you got better so quickly." It was coming, Jon just knew it. His heart began to pound again and he had to wipe the sweat off of his palms. "Do you know what caused it?"

"Uh yeah." Why was his breathing getting tight? And why was his vision getting blurry?

"Oh." Sam spoke. "What was it?"

Jon couldn't take it. He stood up abruptly, making his chair fly back, and sprinted into the yard.

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