AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME(Austin Mahone fanfic)

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It's not fair, you get to go to Hawaii for a month and I'm stuck with my step brother in San Antonio. I said frustrated.

C'mon Abigail it's just for my honeymoon, can't you at least be happy for me? My mom said with a weak smile.

Well fine. I said with a pout.

You guys can watch over each other, and plus you'll get to know each other better. She said grabbing me into a hug.

It doesn't matter is the house big? I asked trying to get out of her hold.

Yes we just bought it so he's also just moving in. She said happily.

Well isn't this going to be fun! I said with a sarcastic smile.

Abigail just try to have some fun please. She said holding my arms.

Abigail Brooks. I heard my name on the loud speaker.

This is it, I said to my mom before hugging her.

Have fun, she reminded.

I walked to the scanner and then continued to the plane.

San Antonio was a bit bigger than I expected.

When I got off the plane I went to baggage claim and found my luggage right away.

How was I going to find Alex now?

I looked around and stood on my toes.

Until I heard Abbie! Abigail! He shouted.

Hi, I said with a smile.

He hugged me and took my luggage.

Well my dad left an hour ago and he left me the car so we don't have to pay a taxi. He said as we walked out the door.

Cool, I managed to say.

He put my luggage in the trunk of the car.

This is my car but you have one too. He said getting in the passengers seat.

The house is huge. He said smiling.

You are very quiet. He said looking at me.

Yeah, I said.


Oh let me get this he said.

No I had to pick up my sister. The one from new York remember? Well I'll see you tomorrow.

Sorry that's just my best friend. He said with a smile.

When we reached the house Alex carried my bags, even though I tried to help him he insisted that he could carry them.

Home sweet home he said opening the door.

Wow, I said as I walked in.

Do you want me to show you your room? He asked putting the bags down.

Sure, I said as he led me upstairs.

This is mom and dads room he pointed. This is a storage room. Down here is my room and over there is your room.

I opened the door and looked at the room. I had a huge window which was draped with a white curtain that had a sequin.

The bed was a queen size and the bedding was a aquamarine color. Then there was a Victorian style table against the wall which was aquamarine and white.

Then there was a sofa and a flat screen.

The close was huge a walk in closet to be exact.

Then came the bathroom. A huge bath which looked like a jacuzzi. The mirror was huge and so was the sink. Then there was a full sized mirror and another table where there was hair supplies. Flat iron, hair dryer,etc.

This was awesome.

I walked back in my room and Alex is putting my bags on the floor.

There's people who come to fix the house and fix our stuff but that's on Mondays during school hours. He said looking at me.

Are you hungry? He saus.

Yeah, I said.

Do you wanna order some pizza? He asked taking out his phone.

Sure, I say as I pull out my own phone.

I text my mom that I'm in the house now.

Alex goes to order the pizza and I look around my room. Then I walk to the window. I look outside and there's a house in front and a.window straight across.

I look and see a red room. Oh my God people are gonna think I'm a stalker.

I close the the curtain and walk downstairs.

The living room is huge.

Couches and a '78 inch flat screen.

Then the kitchen has a long counter that is in the form of an l.

It has this glass door that slides and then there's the back yard.

There's a pool,patio,and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Ding dong.

I'll get get it! Shouts Alex running to the door. I sit on a couch as he brings the pizza.

Wanna watch a movie? He asks grabbing the remote.

Sure, I say.

What should we watch? He says in a whisper.

Do you like kickass? He asks grabbing a slice. I love it. I say smiling.

We watched kickass and then started talking about almost everything. School, new York, San Antonio, his dad, my mom,but what caught my attention was his friend.

His name is Austin and he's a YouTube star.

Well goodnight. Said Alex going to his room. I did the same. I took a long bath changed into my pajamas and that's when I saw a light. I opened the curtain and a boy was in the room. I looked closer and I saw he was changing his shirt, I freaked and closed the curtain. Then I just went to bed.

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