As long as you love me part 32 ( an austin mahone fanfic)

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I woke up pretty early which is really weird, but I guess since I didn't close the curtains last night the sun woke me up.

I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my eyes looked puffy from crying and my face was just covered with fatigue.

Then, I went to take a long bath. I stripped from my clothes and sat in the tub.

I washed my hair and then got out.

When I got out I looked at the bruises on my ribs and some cuts on my arms.

That's when I saw my scars, I passed my finger through them.

That's when I decided I hated austin and Garrett for doing this to me.

I walked out with a towel tied around my body and went into my closet.

I pulled out my biggest sweater and some leggings.

Then I just put some converse on.

Didn't even bother with my make up. I went to the bathroom again but this time to just blow dry my hair, then I combed it a bit and left it like that.

I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks every now and then when I was getting dressed.

But it really hit me when I sat on my bed. That's when I let it all out. I cried and cried and cried.

When I was wiping my tears because I was all cried out I was going to get off my bed and go to the kitchen when I saw austin looking at me.

I gave him a harsh look and closed the curtain.

I went downstairs and made myself a sandwich. I wrote a note telling Alex I was going down to the police station.

I took the car keys and my phone then opened the door.

I was locking the door when I heard a voice.


Abbie, you have to understand. He started

I just ignored him and headed for the car but he he then blocked me from the door.

Austin please move. I said not looking at him.

Not until you forgive me, he said.

Austin move, I said.

Please Abbie just let me explain. He insisted.

Austin move before I call the cops. I said with a stern voice.

Abbie, you have to understand I'm crazy about you and sometimes I do stupid things but I just want you to smile and be happy. I never meant for all of this to happen. He said looking at me.

ok you said what you wanted to say, now move. I said just as uninterested.

He finally moved.

I got into the car and began to drive.

I just saw austin standing in the drive way without moving just looking at me.

I drove to the police station.

It wasn't too big, so when I entered there was a lady and she asked for my name.

She sent me to the second floor.

When I got there there was the police officer I saw yesterday and three other men.

They just asked me a couple of questions and then gave me a check for the car.

After that I headed back home.

Austin was still there sitting.

I parked the car and walked towards him.

He looked pretty happy I was walking towards him.

I just slammed the check in his hand and said, it's for the car.

Then I walked to the house.

Abbie please don't treat me like this, I didn't want to. That's when I closed the door.

I saw Alex sitting on the couch watching tv.

Abbie you're back! He said getting up and hugging me.

Yeah, I said.

How'd it go? He asked taking me to the couch.

Alright, I guess.

Cool, umm I don't know if you've noticed, but Austin's been out there all day. He said.

Yeah, I've noticed and its annoying because I told him to leave. I said annoyed.

But, Abbie. Alex said looking down.

What happened? I asked.

You know austin does really love you? And I was wrong. He said looking at me.

No Alex, austin doesn't love me and you were completely right all along and I should have listened to you from the start. I said hugging him.

Abbie I have to tell you something. He said.

What is it? I asked completely confused.

When you first came and I noticed how you and austin looked at each other, I got mad. He started.

So, I decided to do something very wrong. He said looking ashamed.

AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME(Austin Mahone fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang