As long as you love me part 40 (austin mahone fanfic)

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I kept trying to adjust myself so I could sleep, but no position helped.

It was getting really cold too.

Abbie, are you still awake? Austin asked.

Yeah. I said and we both turned to face each other.

I can't sleep. Austin said.

Me either. I said.

Are you cold? Austin asked.

Yeah, how did you know? I asked.

You're shaking. He said.

Oh. I said as he put his arm on my back and held me so his body heat radiated my body.

Is that better? He asked.

Yeah, I said putting my head under his chin.

I love you, Abbie. Austin said kissing the top of my head.

Austin, I know I've been avoiding it but I think it's time. I said.

Time for what? Austin said moving his head so he could look at me.

Time to talk about what we are. I said.

You mean like relationship status? He asked.

More than just that. I said.

I seriously don't know, like I honestly love you so much I'd do anything for you. Austin said.

Umm, are you sure about that. I said sitting up.

What do you mean am I sure? Abbie I love you and I've never been so sure of anything in my life? He said sitting up too.

He then reached over and turned on the lamp on the night stand next to the bed.

It's just, I don't know if you're just saying it or you actually mean it. I said sitting Indian story and looking at my feet.

Someone hurt you badly, didn't they? Austin said lifting my chin up gently.

It was terrible. I said tears forming in my eyes.

Abbie, I love you and I would never let anything including myself hurt you. He said.

Austin, it's just I've heard that all before. But they still hurt me. I said battling the tears that were trying to fall out.

I swear if I could do anything to prove it to you, I would. Austin said.

You shouldn't waste your time on me. I said looking back down at my feet.

If be wasting my time if I weren't with you. Austin said holding my face with his hands.

Please don't hurt me. I said looking into Austin's eyes as tears streamed down my face.

I wouldn't dream of it. He said hugging me tightly.

I want you to be happy, and watching you like this kills me. Austin said as his thumb made circles on my lower back.

I hate not being able to trust you, I said nuzzling the space that connected his neck and shoulder.

I cried onto Austin's shoulder for a while.

Once I controlled myself I sat up straight and looked at austin.

I told austin about everything, how my dad abused my mom, how my last boyfriend would hit me, how I self harmed, how his fight with Garrett made me so mad, the car crash, then finding out about Alex's plan.

After I told him everything we just sat there looking at each other.

Austin then placed one hand gently on one cheek and leaned closer slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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