As long as you love me part 34 (austin mahone fanfic)

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Umm yeah babe I have to go, Abbie woke up. Morgan said.

Ok love you too, she said before hanging up.

Hey, Abbie. Morgan said sweetly looking at me.

Hi, I said with a yawn.

So how did you sleep? She asked sitting on the bed.

Good, I guess. I said while sitting up.

I made some breakfast if you want. She said.

Yeah let me just wash up. I said pulling the duvet off me.

I went into my bag took out my toothbrush.

When I was about to go in the bathroom Morgan told me, after breakfast we're going shopping.

I then grabbed a pair of high waisted shorts and a baggy tshirt.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and got dressed.

I was adding just a simple line of eyeliner when my phone began to ring.

I looked at the screen and the caller Id was Alex so I ignored it.

When I was ready I put some converse on and headed downstairs to eat. I ate some blueberry pancakes with orange juice.

Morgan was still in the shower when I was done eating so I decided to check my phone.

I had about 10 calls from Alex, 5 from austin and 30 texts from both austin and Alex.

At this moment Morgan came downstairs with a skirt and a crop top. Her hair was down but in an Ariana grande style.

We then headed for the mall. Once we got there went inside a couple of boutiques and Morgan's phone kept buzzing.

Abbie, do you mind if Mikey joins us he keeps texting me that he wants to come. She said a little annoyed.

Sure, I don't mind. I said.

In about 10 minutes Mikey was walking through the boutique doors.

He greeted Morgan with a kiss on the lips and said hey beautiful.

I felt kind of out of place but he still said hi to me. I told them they could hang out while I walked around and then we would meet up. At first Morgan was a bit hesitant but then she gave in.

I walked around for a bit until I decided to get a coffee from Starbucks.

I sat at a table for two, looking through my phone.

Is this seat taken? A playful voice said that I obviously recognized.

I looked up and it was mike.

No, not really. I said with a smile.

Now how could a pretty girl like you be here all by herself? He said trying to look confused.

I might as well stay with you, for you know protection. He said trying his best to sound convincing but I just giggled.

So are you here alone? Mike asked seriously this time.

No I came with Morgan but she's with mike and I decided to leave them alone for a bit.

Well are you planning on doing anything specific or are you just killing time? Mike asked.

Killing time. I said with a sip of my coffee.

Cool so would you like to go to the arcade with me? He asked looking at me.

Sure. I said.

Well lets go, he said standing up.

Ok, I said standing as well and then I followed mike.

The arcade was filled with teenage boys and they all just stared at me like I was some type of mystical creature.

We began with a gun game, then the air hockey, then the racing games, and finally the hoops.

So far I was beating mike by about ten points.

So hey, umm my friends saw you playing and you're pretty good, so like would you like to have a little competition? One of the guys said after mike lost.

Umm sure. I said.

Ok, guys she said yes, he said to a group of guys that were looking at us.

Wow there's a lot. I said with a giggle.

Mike stood next to me. Well y'all can stop looking at her cause she's mine. He said putting his arm across my shoulder.

I giggled and took his arm off and said, he's just my friend.

Ooooh friend zoned, shouted one of the boys.

Like you have a better chance. Said mike glaring at him.

Maybe I do. The guy said stepping closer.

Umm no you don't, I said, can we start the game?

Sure. Said the guy giving mike one last glare.

Just tell me when you want me to go easy on you? He said with a cocky smirk.

Oh yeah? How bout you tell me when I'm going to hard on you. I said raising an eyebrow.

Please I doubt it princess. He said putting his quarters in.

Damn girl, you're pretty good girl. Sammy said (the guy with the cocky smirk)

Let me just beat your last friend and we'll see. I said concentrated in the game.

Abbie? I heard Morgan say worriedly.

I'm in the middle of a game Morgan. I said not taking my eyes off the basket.

Dung dung dung

Ha! I won! I said jumping up and down.

I'm impressed. Said the Sammy guy.

Yeah, you better be. I said with a cocky smirk.

How about we talk about it over coffee? He said smiling.

Well, umm. I said feeling a flush a red appearing on my face.

She can't. I heard Morgan say as she stood next to me.

Well, here's my number in case you change your mind. He said giving me his number and eyeing Morgan.

Ok, I said with a smile.

See you around Abbie. He said with a grin.

See you around Sammy. I said with a smile.

Morgan was pulling my arm as she dragged me out the arcade.

What the hell were you thinking? She said in a whisper shout.

Umm I was playing basketball. I said confused at her actions.

I mean with the guy, you've got enough on your plate with austin. She said looking at me.

But maybe it's time to get over austin. I said with a weak smile and a shrug.

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