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"The Anderson family would like to have a meeting later this week concerning the new project coming up. They said I quote 'i need to know what I'm putting in 2 million dollars for '. Then tomorrow you have a meeting with all the share holders and any other events are still pending."

He looked deep in thought then eventually snapped out of it.

"Call James and tell him I need new tailors as in yesterday and order a bouquet of flowers for the Anderson family.", He said before turning to his work.

I've been working for Adrian for three months now. Everything had all happened so fast. From our bumpy past to our exciting future.

I've also moved in with him and the boys and Amara. Everything has been smooth except from the occasional hostility from Bryce.
We eat breakfast together, we work together but we're just strangers. He doesn't even care to spare me a glance.

Why is he like that ? Is he angry? Because between the both of us ,I should be the angry one. But I'm not.

It was my lunch break and Amara wanted us to go out. We headed out and went to a pizza place. "How's work going?", She asked me.

"Its meh... Adrian has a lot of committments and I have a lot of paperwork. Not necessarily luxury but better than nothing. What about you?", I said taking a big bite of my pizza.

"Well...being a secretary everyone sees you. Today the chancellors son came in to sign some papers and he couldn't get his eyes of me. Kinda irritating when you think about it. When will men stop sexualizing women?", She said irritably.

"When women stop being as beautiful as you ", I said slickly. I was getting good at this. She looked at me with a wide smirk. "Oh really?", She whispered. "Yep"

She took a sip of her drink while looking straight at me then said something, "Then if I'm so beautiful, why won't you have sex with me?"

The question caught me off guard. I choked on my pizza and started coughing.

I looked up at her and she was giving me a really serious look. I didn't really know to be honest. It's just a feeling I get. No matter how close me and her and the boys get, I've just been more of a runner. I get scared and I just can't.

"I'm not ready", I said. "You're 23 for Christ sake, when will you ever be ready if not know?",she said.

I got a bit angry at her comment. "You're being insensitive", "And you're being a pussy",she spat back. I was honestly appalled by what was happening here. I've never fought with her so consider me baffled.

I felt really hot and irritated. I didn't know we all had to be fucked around a certain age. For all I knew I'm suppose to take my own time and decide when I'm ready. I don't think she understands.

We held eyes contact for a bit before her eyes relaxed and she looked guilty. "Haa I'm sorry, I'm sorry that was stupid of me", she said twirling a strand of her hair on her finger. "It's just that- I really want to share that moment with you and everytime you turn me down, I feel unwanted",she confessed.

My heart skipped a beat at the heart felt confession. I stood up and sat next to her. I took hold of her face and kisses her.

"Of course I want you and I'm sorry for making you feel like that. I'll do better I promise", then I gave her another sensational kiss.

She hummed and her frown turned into a smile. "We should go back to work", I said.

"I really regret doing this work thing. I could be in a spa with a tequila in my hand but no. Independence I said", Amara complained.

I listened to her talk till we got to work. I dropped her by her desk and made my way to my office. I met up with Audrey on the way. He's a co worker of mine and we often chill together here and there.

"Busy as always I see", he said with a big smirk.

"Cringe as always I see", I shot.

"Ouch? Touché",he said with a hum as we went into the elevator together.

"Magret ?"

"We don't talk about magret no no no~ we don't talk about MAGRET!",he sung dramatically.

Magret was a hookup we found for him last week and looks like things didn't go as planned.

"Why the drama?", I laughed. He turned around and gave me the most serious face he could put on.

"Why choose the logical way when you have an opportunity of completely losing your mind?", He said. I hate that it makes sense but it was still stupid.

"Was it that bad?", I asked him.

He looked thoughtful for a few seconds ,"She bit my cock"

I started laughing. Like rib shaking laughing. Like I can't breathe laughing. I was wheezing.

"How??? How does that even happen?",I asked between breaths.

"Well she forgot to mention she has Isphotophobia and I happen to make sure my LED lights were extra bright that day",he sighed.

I patted him on his back and just in cue, the elevator door opened.

"Well this is my stop. I'll see you later yea?",I said before getting out. I walked into the office and Adrian was nowhere to be seen. I looked around a few times , even under the tables?? But no luck.

My phone rand after a few minutes into writing a report.

"Ms. Quinn speaking?"

"Ainsley? It's Adrian.We have an emergency. No time to explain. Just get out of there and smash my laptop and yours too?", He said out of breath.

"What? Are you ok? Smash our laptops? But my report?"

"It's not important,this is a life or death situation. Get Amara and meet Bryce outside as in now. Got that? I'll explain when I get home ",he said before he hung up.

I was in daze. I just did what he told me and smashed oyt laptops then I put then in a plastic and ran downstairs. It seemed like Amara best me to it cause I found her outside talking to Bryce. I didn't even have the mental energy to ask what was going on so I just jumped inside the car and the drive was silent and tense.

There's no peace un this life. Especially with THEM.

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