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Cory POV

"I'm hungry... How long are we staying here again?"

My back was against the dark wall of the mansion we had just arrived in. Ainsley was in the kitchen and I dont know where Bryce was while the rest of us were just lounging around the living room wondering why we were all here.

"I own you! Don't you get it? You have no right to refuse me!"

Bryce's voice echoed around the house and Trevor jumped out of his seat towards him. Me being me of cause followed him.

At the kitchen he had Ainsley corned by the counter. The tension was so thick I could visibly see it.

"Get the fuck outta my way", Ainsley spat out.

Bryce's face scrunched up, "you don't get to talk to me like that remember? I'm your fucken boss. I own you! The only reason you're here is because of me!"

"Bryce!", A voice rang behind us. It was Adrian.

I didn't even notice he came.

"What's going on here?" ,He said grabbing his wrist.

This scene for me was almost cliche in a way. One would say it's a lover catching his brother flirting with his wife. But the reality is so far from it.

Bryce hasn't change a bit. He's still the same. In my eyes anyway.

7 years ago

"Let me go!", Bryce shouted at the two men who were literally dragging him across the mansion. I was completely lost.

I looked at the rest of the boys and they all had a tense look on their face. Adrian was leaning cross armed by the double doors. They stopped infront of him.

"Adrian? What's going on? Where are they taking me?"

Adrian looked at Bryce with a stern look but I knew it was just a façade.

"You need help. And because I love you ,I'm going to get you that help", he said.

"What no- I'm completely fine i- Is this about Ainsley? It was just a mistake!", "It's not about her, well not all of it. You've been getting out of control recently. Getting back to your old habits. And we can't have that. This is our safe heaven. And for you too. This is why I'm protecting it by protecting you from yourself.

Don't get angry too much. This is all for the best", then Adrian told the two men to lead him out and that was it.

After that day the house felt gloomy and tense. We had lost our lovers. Not one but two.

I kept asking Adrian about what happened to Ainsley and he ignored the question for a while. One day he got so angry with me mentioning her that he banned hearing her name in the house. That's when I stopped asking.

After a few weeks things were almost back to normal.


I'm not gonna lie when I say I missed Ainsley's presence. It may have looked like I didn't like her at some point but it was very far from that. She felt safe. Too safe for comfort. I was scared if I got too comfortable with her that she may leave and take my sanity with her.

Like she has done now. I was trying to save myself. And when you think about it I kinda did. Cause where is she now?

Adrian broke it too us one night that Ainsley had amnesia. He said he thought it was best if we let her do what she wants and not interfere with her life any longer. He fears that he will continue to jeopardize her safety.

And we didn't really have a say in it so we agreed quietly. But my heart continued to droop over my stomach.

At that time its been 3 months since I saw both her and Bryce.

I decided to get some fresh air and go out. I went to a little cafe which had the best cakes and hot chocolate ever. Take my word for it.

When I entered the cafe ,before I could even make my order , something caught my eye. I saw someone I didn't think I'd see , not so unexpectedly anyway.

It was her.


I was against going to her at first but when she caught my eye , I couldn't control myself.

"Hi?", I said.

The here blue emerald eyes bought memories I didn't even know I had. Memories of happiness, of peace ,of beautiful pine trees stretching towards the sun and beyond that nothing but the smell of grass. Beyond that was the clearest blue sky I've ever see. Not a since cloud or bird in sight.

A smile formed on my face.



Sorry the the late update 😭😭extremely late. Life happened.

And I'm sorry for making it short. I just wanted yall to read something because y'all have been begging 😭😭😭❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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