7: The (cliff) Jumping Dead

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Sorry about the title. My dad joke side took over. Anyways I started writing this on a Friday afternoon so that it wont be late. For some reason I write late at night when the power is down then submit it when I remember about it.

Now, on to the story.


The Autobots arrived in an underground tunnel. There was energon and Decepticon drones every where. They transformed out of their vehicle modes, ducking down into defensive positions.

Bulkhead straightened himself up. "Energon mine."

Optimus walked forward. "Judging by it's scale, the Decepticons have been tunneling here for quite some time."

The group all hide behind some boulders. Optimus scanned the location as he calculated out a plan of action. "Lets find Clifjumper." Optimus walked off to confront the Vehicons.

Soon enough, blaster fire rand through the dark tunnel. One drone even got brave enough to use a mining drill against the Autobots, only to end up dead because of Bulkhead. The rest of the bots started running at the cons. They tackled and fired at the cons all while dodging attacks. Church stopped for a second to witness Arcee doing back flips off of her opponents. Another drill came by. Bumblebee jumped over it before Optimus lifted it up and destroyed it. Church flew overhead and fired at hordes of cons, sometimes transforming to kick down a few. All the Autobots crushed Decepticons left and right.

Soon enough the area only had a small group of Decepticons. Ten fighters and three large drills.(yes, i went back and counted them.)

Optimus ran forward with the team following behind. "Maximum overdrive." He ordered while transforming into his truck form.

They followed his lead while he drives doughnuts to trip the cons. Church flew low to cloths line some of the drones. Once the Autobots reached an open area, they transformed into their bot forms and took cover behind some crates.

Bulkhead let out a whistle. "Quite an operation."

Unfortunately gained the attention of some Vehicons. Yet again, everyone was firing at each other. Arcee spotted some red armor while shooting her blasters.

Arcee stopped her attacks. "It's Cliff. I have a Visual." She reported to Optimus.

Optimus blasted the head of a Vehicon off. "We'll cover you. Go!"

Not even a second later, Arcee runs off to get her partner back. She drove up the ramp and leaped off of the Nemisis elevator. She grabbed onto a ledge and climbed up. Arcee gasped when she sees only half of Cliffjumper's mangled body. Vehicons started to attack Arcee with heavy amounts of blaster fire. The attacks caused the platform cliff was on to fall down. Acree runs to grab her friend's cold, lifeless hand.

Arcee looked down at Cliffjumper. "Let's get you home, partner."

Cliffjumper, or whats left of him, growled at Arcee. He rasped out a vengeful call before shaking his arm around in an attempt to end Arcee's life. The shaking made Him slip from her grasp. She cried out for the falling corps, who was groaning out in rage as he fell.

Optimus bowed his helm solemnly. Arcee crouched down and grunted because of her failed attempt to save Cliffjumper's life.

An echoing laugh interrupted the Autobots self-disappointment. "Prime." Starscream hissed. "I'd stick around, but I'm squeamish." Starscream dropped a strange device that made a beeping sound. He then (surprisingly) gracefully dived off of the platform before transforming and flying off.

"Guys. WE BETTER MOVE!" Church yelled out.

For some reason the Autobots waited for the bomb to land on some highly explosive energon crystals before doing anything.

Fragment of Team Prime (adopted from Prime987)Where stories live. Discover now