Issue #2

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Omg I can't believe I'm actually publishing a second chapter, it feels so surreal!!
Anyways, hi everyone I'm back

Again, I'd like to thank my beta reader Toto for all her ideas and advice (and for making me laugh more than once with her comments) and my beta readers from twitter <3
I hope you enjoy the chapter


Funny enough, after you had talked with the principal and received both your schedule and locker password, it turned out that the first class of the day was actually history class with both Gerard and Ray. After making a little run for the classroom because the bell would ring anytime soon, you both took the seats he had saved for: you sitting in front of Gee, next to the window, and Ray sat to your right

Trying to make some small talk before the class started, Ray decided the three of you should compare schedules, y'know, to work out how they'd show you the school and make sure you didn't take any class by yourself, just to find out the three of you had the same schedule

"You were worried for nothing Ray" you sighed as you folded the little paper and put it into your backpack, Gerard leaned back into his chair and took out his notebook as Ray made a little annoyed sound

"You haven't set foot on a single school in your damn life, I'd also be pretty fucking worried if I were him" Gerard joined onto the conversation, putting a hand on Ray's shoulder reassuringly "Besides, we both know worrying like if he was our mom is Toro's deal"

Both of you chuckled a bit as Ray pretended to be offended, putting a hand over his chest dramatically, and as he was about to respond, the teacher entered the classroom, everyone rushed to their seats and went dead silent, you found yourself being a little surprised by this

You leaned a little into Ray as the teacher was turning back, "How does he do that?" you whispered

"Do what?" Ray answered, confused

"Make everyone go silent like that" the so intended whisper may have been a little bit to loud for a whisper, Gerard and the girl beside him contained a giggle and he leaned into the conversation again "I mean, I thought movies were exaggerating it"

"He's the professor, our grades depend on us staying quiet" Gerard added as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Well said Mr.Way" the three of you jumped in your places and went silent, sitting properly as the professor made his way through the seats

"Now that everyone's got that, I'll proceed with the roll call", he took out a list "Simona Andrews..." Simona raised her hand, indicating her presence "Y/n Griffin... nevermind, absent again?"

"Actually, I'm here professor" you raised your hand shyly, catching the teacher's attention. "I'm sorry for my previous absence, I promise I'll catch up"

"We're glad to finally have you here with us Mx.Griffin," he seemed pleased by your presence, he then pin-pointed a guy sitting at his desk "there in the back someone was ready to start World War III if they had to hear Mr. Toro excuse your absence one more time" he chuckled and continued with the remaining names on the list, Ray just scratched his head nervously and you shrugged a little

After the teacher had finished the roll call and all, he finally started the class, this being a follow up from what Ray had shown you, The legend of the Miraculouses, and even though you couldn't state it was the best history class of the semester, it was definitely really interesting

The teacher seemed really into it, he explained how a lot of people had searched for this jewels, either to confirm their existence and preserve them or because they whole-heartedly believed they were magical, but even so, no one had been able to even track which civilization the legend actually came from, so up till now, it had been like a blind search across the globe with no results; yet when asked if he believed in the magic part, the teacher just limited himself to saying he was a man of science and magic to him were just cheap tricks and illusions

The House of Wolves [Gerard Way x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now