Issue #4

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Oh my god, first of all
Hi, I'm Eli, and this past two weeks have been something
Not gonna lie, I procrastinated for most of the first week since this is the only chapter so far I had NOTHING scripted for, so starting it was scary

Then, I had some family events at the start of the second week, which went great but kept me off the laptop and my docs for a good whileAND THEN MFING VOLUME 2 OF STRANGER THINGS DROPPED, I have priorities I'm seriously sorry, I regret absolutely nothing thoYet even with all this, I made myself sit down and write this because I do have some of the next chapter scripted, hilarious

As always, thanks to my beta Toto who really motivated me and was there trough all my rambling about wanting to write the chapter, the ideas, and the proof read <3I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I promise to try and not take so long with the upcoming updates


"I don't know if you can hear me, but I think I'm starting to get the hold of this Plagg"

Deep down you knew maybe you should stop "practicing" (which in the eyes of anyone else could be seen as playing around) but hey, what use would a superhero who doesn't know how to use their powers or control their abilities be?

You were just testing the waters, that's all

"Hey! The hell ya think you're doing on my roof?" A pretty angry (and short) lady shouted from some stairs at the side of the building

"Shit-" well, if you were expecting a cue to leave, this was it "Sorry ma'am!"

The lady sure wasn't having it since she just was approaching quickly, so you just started running and when reaching the roof's border, took a leap and jumped off

Plagg had said "a boost" in abilities, but he clearly hadn't mentioned being able to jump long distances in a pretty cool way, it was almost like spiderman in movies making incredibly long jumps and parkour

"Oh no no no- ugh" you were still working on the parkour part, just having miscalculated the distance and landing in your stomach proved that

As you incorporated, you could see Love Crusher standing on top of the mall, yet now it was significantly bigger, the size of a small house at least, and in its fist, it was holding a girl captive, multiple police officers were surrounding the area and asking for it to let the girl go or they'd resort to violence

"Oh god,when did that thing get that big?"

"Crazy right?" you practically jumped back, completely startled and confused because shit! when had he gotten behind you?

Once the initial surprise passed, you noticed this boy was besides you, you eyed him suspiciously and examined the way he was dressed, his jacket was kinda cool actually

"Dude you scared me!" the boy only held up his hands, offering an apology

"Sorry, didn't mean to" he gave you a little smile

You just waved him off as a way of saying 'No worries' "So , you're my partner I guess?" the other possible explanation for the costume was him going to some sorts of convention, which seemed highly unlikely so

"Yeah, nice to meet you uh... Cat? oh uhm, cat person?"

Ok, Cat person was lame as it could get, but adding the oh sound didn't seem that bad, and it was fairly easy to remember

"It's Kato" you held out your hand, but when he extended his you remembered what the guys had told you at school, so instead of shaking the boy's hand you improvised some sort of handshake

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