Not a chapter, short announcement, sorry if i got your hopes up :(

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Don't panic, this isn't me saying I give up on the fic and will never continue it, yare yare yara


First of all, hi everyone, I'm not dead

I've been sorta just, existing I guess

Last month has been pretty wild for me, turned 17 and life decided to make me a present so the next day I found out my family and I had covid
Thank you universe, that was real nice of you :)

So that got me down emotionally (dw, I'm fine alredy, bitch could only get me for 2 days and then I was back to normal) and I would be lying if I said it didn'r affect my writing
I started spending more time into my drawings than with my draft but yeah, to avoid getting into detail, I've just been avoiding writing (or forgetting that my fic exists if I'm completely honest)

Chapter 5 is already on it's way don't worry, and also probably a re-written version of chapter 4 because, dear lord, who allowed me to post that? I won't change much, just add and tweak some little details here and there
Just give me some time, it's a little slower than usual since I'm getting all used to writing again

I promise it won't take much longer

On more light-hearted news, DEAR LORD HOW IS THIS MORE THAN 100+ READS?? (on ao3)

You guys are amazing! Never thought my silly little fic would do this well, and it makes me so happy to know you guys are enjoying it

I'll take down this announcement as soon as Issue #5 is up

Take care, lov u all

-Romantically yours, Angel

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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