Issue #3

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AN: Hello, Author here 
For today's chapter I wanted to make sure I'd had already finished a little something you'll see at the end of the chapter, I like visual references to accompany my work sometimes so yeah

As always, thanks to my beta reader Toto, and to my betas from twitterHope you enjoy the chapter :D


"Didn't you say the kid didn't curse Toro?" Frank asked playfully, then realized why you had cursed and shut his mouth

The car stopped in front of where you guys stood, and you froze instantly as the pilot's door opened and a very stressed and angry looking Maty came out of it

The guys stood there awkwardly, Maty could be intimidating when angry so you didn't really blame them, even both you and Ray were still afraid of her mood and we're talking about the fact you've known her since you were both like six.

"You have a lot of things to explain Y/n" she stood in front of you and Ray angrily, Frank and the brothers decided to take some steps back and let you be

"It's nice to see you too Maty... what are you doing here?" Ray gulped audibly as you just waved nervously

"Save that Ray" she interrupted him and then directed her attention to you "I'm here because I was going to call you down for breakfast and what was my surprise when I didn't find you in your room!" ok she was really pissed "Even worse yet, I turn on the news as to find that the school you went to is currently under attack"

"You found the note" you felt tiny in comparison to Maty, there was nowhere to run from her now

"Of course I did! So now we're going!" she grabbed you by the wrist and started pulling you towards the car

"But my friends-" she interrupted you

"You have other things to worry about" the four of them stood there awkwardly "and they seemed perfectly fine with walking on their own when I arrived"

She didn't even allow you to say goodbye as she made you enter the car, not long after she was taking her seat on the driver's side and off you went

You watched through the window, you could see the guys looking at you as you went, their expressions went from confused to sad or disappointed, you weren't much different if you were being honest, so you waved goodbye and slightly attempted to smile to try and make them feel better

They smiled and waved back

"So, now what?" Mikey broke silence as the car that took their friend away, rounded a corner and disappeared

"I mean, Y/n left but we're still going to Frank's" Ray answered, a little hint of sadness in his voice, he was really hoping you'd make it with them

"Would've been nice if they'd at least offered a ride" Frank kicked some gravel by the side of the street and Gee just rolled his eyes

"They were going to, Maty interrupted them, Frankie" he interfered as he crossed to the next street "and we're not that far now, isn't it crossing this street?"

"And to the right" Frank finished for him in a little singing voice and started making a run for it "Last one to get there pays for the veggie burgers"

"Hey! No fair!" MIkey started running after him and so did Gerard and Ray


"You can't have me locked here! Open up! Maty open up!" but it seemed useless, either Maty didn't hear you or just was pretending not to

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