Morning extra 2: Working days

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The second of three-morning stories from 2021

Prompts: Work & food, borrowing ideas from others


There wasn't much to speak about on Monday; I worked on data management to keep the big boss happy.

The stories were relatively simple, but they also had a small following of fans.

As usual, there wasn't too much to do today, but something to note was that 3% of the critics hated these stories because they were unoriginal garbage.

After writing these statistics, I pondered what I'd do next; maybe I could take a small snack break, although I promised there wouldn't be any more snacking until after dinner.

What will I have for dinner anyway? Then it struck me.

Some chicken sandwiches with coleslaw; I'm sure that he won't mind eating chicken again.

I'll buy the bread rolls and some ice cream; there should be some spare chicken in the fridge from the Sunday roast.


Tuesday was another typical day, although I had an enjoyable lunch.

One of the writers, Miss Daze, was in the office building today.

Although she was a writer, she looked like a typical person with long ginger hair and a yellow dress.

I decided that I should ask if she wanted to eat lunch together so that I could get to know her better.

But before I did, I added apple pie to my shopping list because there was some extra ice cream in the freezer.

I went to her with my lunch in hand; she was busy writing one of her stories.

"Hello, Miss Daze."

"Hello, Jakob. I'm fine with just Mary." Mary looked up from her computer

"Ok, Mary, would you like to join me for an unforgettable luncheon?" I asked

"Sure, but I'll need to write a few more sentences first."

I waited for Mary to finish her writing; then, we went inside the meeting room to eat our lunch.

Since the big boss typically did meetings on Thursday, it was unlikely that they would mind us eating in there.

I brought in a chicken roll from last night's dinner; I also had an almond croissant.

Mary had an elegant chocolate cake that could have come from a bakery.

Mary noticed me staring at the cake and decided to discuss it more deeply.

"I made this cake myself, although it was quite messy."

"It looks professional, although that mess must have sucked."

"Thanks, but I don't mind the mess. Having fun is all that matters."

"It's easy to have fun when you're free to do anything you want."

"That's true, but there are still rules to follow when baking a cake, a recipe to follow so that it's a cake and not an almond croissant," she says while looking at my croissant.

We talked about food for a while longer; I found out that she wrote recipes for the company and liked to cook in the kitchen at a young age.

Then we talked about more general stuff, like how I enjoy watching sports and that she owns two horses; one of them used to be a racehorse.

Lunchtime was fun until the big boss yelled at us for eating in the meeting room.


Wednesday was a "just ok" type of day; three more work days until the weekend.

Mary and I decided to eat lunch at a nearby cafe so the big boss wouldn't yell at us for eating in the building again.

The fillings between our sandwiches filled the space between us. I picked out a chicken sandwich, and Mary had a BLT panini.

We watched some giant cranes smash down the old library that had recently closed down.

"I miss that library; there were plenty of good recipes in the cooking section."

"I miss it too; I picked up a travelling guide about Boston for the Christmas break."

"Was it fun in Boston?"

"My partner and I had fun outside of the bar incident."

"The bar incident, what happened?"

"I had a couple of drinks and fought with my shadow about who was the better partner. Then he took me outside for being a public nuisance."

"Wait, how did a shadow take you outside?"

I shook my head. "It wasn't the shadow who took me outside; it was my partner."

"Was she upset?"

" He was more annoyed than upset about it."

"Was it a casual trip?"

"Kind of, but I doubt we'd want to stay in Boston. I like it here, and it's close to work. Although a city life might be a bit more accepting and the big boss might be less annoying."

"Well, you can't say unless you live there."

"That's sort of true in a way. But who will want a small fish like me in a massive pond."

"Someone will always be looking for a fish; you just need to hang onto that line."

I thanked her for the advice before heading back to work.


Thursday was a short day; Mary was away today, but I hoped to see her at the small work party tomorrow.

I ate at my desk and watched football on the computer before heading home early because the big boss was too busy in a meeting to care.

I went to a store with a lovely flower display in the front of the building I had previously visited for the apple pie.

I picked up a massive tub full of chocolates and waited in line; only three people were in line, and I was one of them.

Mary was another person in line, but she didn't notice me in the store.


Friday was the final day of work this week; I was excited.

The party was short; I picked up some food and returned to my desk.

Mary didn't show up for the party; maybe she was busy writing recipes.

I was able to take some of the chocolates home, and I shared them with my partner.

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