Daily 1: The one in which we move

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This story is part of a six-day prompt activity; the title is inspired by one of my favourite shows. 

Prompt: write about either staying or leaving somewhere

The city bustles with sound as I work on the design for my felt-filled animals; I start with a white tiger.

As I sew its body, I question where I want to live in the future.

Should I stay or should I go?

Do I want to move in the first place, and more importantly, if I do, why would I?

I don't see the point in moving somewhere new; I'm doing what I love here; I can buy everything for my designs here; I've got everything I'd possibly want.

But what if I can get some better cotton or some cheaper wool, a smaller community where I could sell all of my animals for more than $2?

Maybe moving could help me, but would I be able to move from this place? I ask myself as I sew.

I push my thoughts aside as I watch the rain pour from my window before returning to them.

The rain slowly trickles onto the pavement; maybe a warmer place would have fewer wet days.

A place where there's plenty of sunshine, somewhere where a cat can bask in the sun as it rolls about on its soft belly.

Yet wool's quite a warm material; who would possibly want a furry friend while they sweat in the sun? Would I be able to work in such high temperatures? What if I faint?

Sweating isn't helpful in my work environment; I might ruin my products.

I want a place where my animals aren't too hot to handle.

Maybe I should move to a place where it's cool enough for a woolimal and allows me to work but also has a community that loves buying tiny plush animals.

If I could find that place, would it be too cold?

Would I get snowed in one day and possibly lose some profits along the way?

How about the common flu? They're not a good thing to have in general, product or otherwise.

I'd need quite a bit of patience and hot cocoa; maybe I'd be forced to take a break sometimes, but It'd be worth it at the end of the day.

But I couldn't do that for too long, it's a small business, and it'd suck to be out of it because of things I can't control.

Maybe staying here is best; it's not too hot, so I'm not too faint, nor is it cold enough to stop me in my tracks.

As I finish my final touches on the tiger, I decide where I want to be.

Here is where I want to be, so I'll stick to what I know and stay here.

At least for now.

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