Daily 4: Hot press

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I've almost made it through all of the stories of 2022; I'm not sure if these should be called prompts due to their length, but I'll write it anyway.

Write something about the news in 500-1,000 words; I chose one about the first albino ocelot kind of.

I stare at the screen as I scroll through news articles because I have nothing better to do.

I plan to use these articles to inspire a future story, but I'm still figuring out what article to choose.

I find an article about a secret spicy chicken box with a Rick and Morty theme on it, but it's only available in America.

It sucks that I can't eat the chicken or write about Rick and Morty due to copywriting issues, but I'm sure I'll find my article eventually.

I then found an article on the side of the screen about some celebrities who broke up after having at least 72 trillion kids, which is tedious.

The article below the celebrity gossip is much more interesting, so I click it.

The heading is, "First albino cat found in the wild, bad news for other cats."

It talks about the feline as if nobody has ever seen a white kitten, a house cat, or any other type of feline before.

It's also supposedly bad for the cat because it can't get much heat from the sun, but everyone knows that the cat will rest in the sunlight anyway.

Then the cat gives me an idea of what I should write about.

What if I wrote an incredible story about a cat that loves the sun?

But I've already written about a cat, and that story is still awaiting its ending.

I also haven't worked on that story for months.

Hopefully, this story ends up differently than that.

What if that cat had a skateboard, and it was set in the late afternoon so that it could bask in the sun for the last part of the day? 

It'd pick up the wind on its fur and skate on things like trash cans for cool party tricks.

It has a small community fanbase of other cats who want to be like the skateboarding cat one day.

The cat could want to teach the others how to skateboard, too, so that they could enjoy the sport and get calm winds in their faces, but the cat also knows how hard it is to truly get the talent of being a great skateboarder.

Becoming a skateboarder is tough, and the cat doesn't want to hurt their feelings by letting reality hit them in the face due to their lack of knowledge on the subject.

It might discourage the beginners to never wanting to skateboard again.

Yet, the lessons are relatively simple to teach.

You have to learn how to stand on your two bottom paws; then you have to get onto the board and move it, which doesn't even include any simple tricks yet.

But those cats are eager to learn how much fun skateboarding is; it might scrape their knees, but if they push through the pain, they'll be able to skate.

So the cat grabs a hearty dinner of a giant fish and some milk and plans on teaching the cats how to get onto their hind paws by the next day.

I plan on the future of my newest story as I gleefully write the last bit onto a word document.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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