Morning Story 4: Yearning

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Prompt: turn your dream and its meaning into a story

The warm smell of apple pie wafted in the air as I drove home because I wasn't hungry.

Of course, I wanted to do something, but it wasn't something that I could digest.

Going back to my parent's house for the holidays was nice, but all nice things come to an end eventually; the storm clouds ahead made the road rather gloomy.

My inner fears were currently raking leaves, so it didn't surprise me when the roaring thunder threw me a little lightning.

What was so crucial about fear anyway?

Is it something to question in the first place?

Although it might not be something to question, it's helpful to fear things sometimes, like when lightning strikes your car when you've got no roof over your head.

As I keep on driving, I remember something.

I'm not quite sure where home is; I've got my GPS showing me where I'm going, but that house doesn't feel like home.

I've lived there for years, yet it still doesn't feel like my home or at least the home you'd expect to see on tv.

I don't feel loved there; I don't want to return to it once I've left.

My inner demons are still calm, although I feel frustrated that I'm in heavy traffic.

I don't love it, but I want to go home.

The traffic is loud when I reach a red light, and the music roars like I'm at a party.

I took my first bite of the apple pie, it was colder now, but it was still sweet.

Later in my drive, I watch some cats run across the road.

Those cats don't care about their nine lives; they only care about food and love.

They don't show a trace of fear when they jump from high places, though it would be better if they did for safety's sake.

I took the last bite of my apple pie, the last trace of baked love.

It makes me wonder about life and why I didn't take as many risks when I was younger.

I had more time and could tolerate a lot of pain back then.

The things I wanted to do were simple, although sometimes, they were challenging too.

Although they could have led to mistakes, at least it's fun to make them sometimes.

It's life; anything can happen, so it's worth every mistake and challenge.

I want something that will last longer than the apple pie but still has the same type of warmth.

I want something homely, a dangerous challenge, but it won't kill me.

Once I have it, then I'll keep it for a lifetime.

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