9. A Siren's Song

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No agent had set foot in Manhattan for years.

The credit was due to the thirteen men that had been recruited by a businessman man using the name Hades. Collectively, they oversaw any evidence of the Forbidden's presence in Manhattan and did their best to cover it up. While none of the members knew of the Forbidden's existence, they did their work well. Hades, being Forbidden himself, made sure of that. Only a select few knew of this small organization's existence, which was called the Fourth Circle. And soon, no one would. Their reign ended tonight.

A silhouette stood over the Hudson, gazing down at the water with something resembling distaste. Strawberry blonde hair blew in the wind, but pale hands pushed it away from her face. The petite girl frowned at the stillness of the water before something stirred. A darker shape appeared on its black surface, forcing it to rise unnaturally and spill onto the dock.

As the water mounted onto the pier, a new silhouette formed, revealing another young girl with short black hair and her hands cautiously folded in front of her.

"You made it." The newcomer didn't say anything, only bowed her head forward. "You can talk, you know. I won't bite."

"Don't hurt her," were the only words spoken.

"You're here, aren't you? Keep going, and I'll be content to leave you and your mom alone." The redhead spun on her heels, taking off in a specific direction. The other girl was still frozen in the raging wind, waiting for instruction. When she realized she was walking alone, the redhead stopped and huffed.

"I really hope I didn't get a defect siren." The girl pulled a gun out of her waistband with an alarming lack of caution, pointing it directly at the shuddering siren in front of her. "There are two bullets in here. I can kill Hades and get you, too."

"Guns don't kill me." At this, the siren stood a little straighter, but her posture became more uneasy when the other girl barely reacted.

"Trust me, this can do the trick." She assured the siren. "Ever heard of basilisk bullets? They're all the rage at the Agency nowadays. Spreading further than the midwest now." As the girl proudly waved her new weapon, there was a spring in her step, like she was performing a children's dance. She pushed the gun against the siren's chin, the sweet smile on her face unnerving. "We have a job to do."

The girl dropped the gun and continued walking. The siren shivered in the darkness and followed her.

"What does Hades look like?" She asked.

"White guy, brown hair, arrogant attitude. The usual." The girl skipped along the sidewalk, occasionally turning to make sure no one was following. Yellow streetlights cast their sickly glow onto the dock and hulking boats lined alongside it. "You should find his song in no time. I need him distracted so I can take him out."

"Okay, but why?"

"I just don't need him fighting back or anything. I mean, you and I both know how dangerous the Forbidden can be, right?"

"No." the siren corrected. "Why kill Hades?"

At this, the girl actually stopped. "He has what I want." She answered simply. "And I just don't do sharing."

The siren frowned and hugged her chest, more scared by that answer than anything else. The threats she could handle, except for when they were directed at her mother. But now that she was here, it was finally dawning on her that she was about to hand over the power of an organization she didn't understand to a waltzing psychopath.

"What does he have that you want?" The siren asked, almost dreading this answer more than the last.

"I don't know exactly." The girl pursed her lips as if deciding how much she actually wanted to share. "He's impressive, I guess. I could be impressive too, if I had the chance."

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