walking away is not running away

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Author's pov

Walking away from a situation is not running away. It is the conscious and deliberate decision we take not to engage when we refuse to compromise, or when we take a step back keeping the larger picture in mind. We need to walk away from bad relationships. Of course we must do our best to build and maintain relationships,
but never at the cost of our self-respect and dignity.
We need to walk away from people who easily break
their promises. If we cannot trust someone, we cannot
sustain our association with them.
We need to walk away from those who don't think win-win. When the other person is only thinking about themselves, sooner or later we will find ourselves paying
a heavy price when we are vulnerable. We need to walk away from temptation when we know
what is right and not. Short term gain at the cost of long term reputation and value creation can be a very short-sighted way of looking at life. We need to walk away from violence, not just physical, but even the mental violence of anger, rage and hatred we experience towards someone. Inner violence is like an acid that corrodes the very container that holds it. We need to walk away when we realise we are no longer needed or wanted. It is not abandoning someone, but gracefully giving them their space to grow and flourish. We need to sometimes walk away to diffuse the situation. It's okay to settle for less for the larger good. It's not that we are being taken advantage of, in fact we are taking advantage
of our inner strength to move on and make a better life for ourselves. And when we think of walking away, it's not just what we
are walking away from, but also realising that we are walking
towards better relationships, experiences and opportunities.
The courage to walk away comes from faith, believing that
there is something better waiting for us. The clarity of walking
away comes from realising that sometimes it is not worth
engaging with some things in life. The confidence to walk away
comes from knowing that walking away is not running away.I was struggling with a situation  and today the clear thought came; move out of the way. We tend to offer our help and support with all the right
intentions and yet the result is sometimes contrary. We find ourselves trying harder to fix a relationship but the more we try, the more stressed it gets. Sometimes the answer lies not in doing more, but doing less. Our ability to step back and allow space to the
other person can be the best thing for that relationship. Moving out of the way doesn't mean we don't care. In
fact, it means we care enough to put the other person and the purpose before ourselves. Moving out of the way doesn't mean we step aside with
a huff or abandon the other. That would show our ego is hurt. Then we've put ourselves first. It's stepping aside
with grace and humility, watching and caring from a distance to play our role when called upon. It's only when we ourselves are secure within can we effectively be comfortable in a relationship from a distance. It takes two to tango. But some dance their best when we move out of the way.

 But some dance their best when we move out of the way

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Im back i hope u like this chapter its all about how we let ourselves free from the pain and to let go the other to grow . A chance for us to find our selves again to be what we are truly meant to be .

Less than 10 chapter left .

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