filler = single dad

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Authors  pov

The role of a single dad is tough to handle, yet the feeling when you see a smile on your child’s face makes it all worth it.  I long to spend as much time as possible with my daughter. Her presence is the best stress buster and removes every pinch of sadness in me,” says Tay , a single father of a six-year-old daughter.

Single dads like us go through the same troubles as single mothers concerning the upbringing of our children. Many single dads find it very hard to multi-task and juggle between their work requirements and meet needs of their kids.

Tay says, “Managing work along with taking care of my kid  all by myself is a tedious job. Right from helping them with the school to attending PTA meetings and their demands, buying groceries and managing the house, requires the help of more than one person. It takes hard work and there is always anxiety about am I doing enough.“

“Where is my mom? Why did she leave us? Will she ever come back?” are some very common questions, that many single dads have to deal with almost on a daily basis.
At times when we ourselves are  missing our partners, these questions from their innocent kids can be enormously difficult to answer. We  are under a lot of pressure to not breakdown in front of their children.

“It is really difficult to see her withdrawn face while asking these questions. It sometimes gets impossible to face her, when she asks me about her  mother,” says Tay

As single fathers, we are left alone to deal with all the temper, tantrums, frustrations and sometimes even blame of not being a good parent. We lack a companion with who we can share our distress and our bittersweet moments.

Lack of a companion to share our fears and feelings, leaves many single dads, with a doubt if they are doing the right thing. We sometimes, even give up to their demands of their children, even if it is wrong because they fear to hurt our children or to be the sole person to receive their children’s hatred.

It becomes very common for people around to question the capabilities of a single dad. It can become very frustrating for single fathers when their understanding about their own children is questioned. “Who can know about my daughter more than me?” asks an annoyed Tay

Leaving her while going on work tours is very difficult. I am   always worried about her safety, but it is equally hard for me  to neglect work. I has resorted to taking my parents and friend help in taking care of my daughter, in my absence. However, my daughter doesn't sleep without hearing or seeing my face. 

Tay  says that he feels his family is complete with just him and his daughter. He appreciates his daughter, who accepts him with all his imperfections.

Being a single dad is very difficult, but it develops a person holistically and makes him a better human being. It makes him accept his limitations and teaches him the art of unconditional love.

  Sorry for the late update 😅

I feel no one wants to talk to me here . All are too busy to reply to my a/n its I will just go and sulk in a corner

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