chapter 15

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They were still flying over the sea to get to the arctic islands

The group was starting to get annoyed with how much flying they had to do

Only ones really interested in this journey were ShadowSeeker and Niea

Of course they didn't normally go on adventures like this

"Hey uh Gale as a StormTalon thing could you stop the wind blowing in everyone's faces?" Niea asked

"Sorry Niea I can't it's an air current I can't change that one" Gale answered

"Oh alright" Niea replied

She could aggre the wind blowing in her face was annoying

Aqua had been taking the lead quite a bit during there journey

Almost as tho it were a habit for her

They hadn't made any stops since the forest island that morning so they were going to make it there by nightfall

"Hey uh water dragon I got a suggestion" Niea called out to Aquamarine

"I'm a TideStream and what is it?" Aquamarine asked

"That we stop for the night at an island outside the arctic islands so we can sleep on a warmer island so we don't freeze over night" Niea suggested

"That's a good idea" ShadowSeeker replied

"Yeah it is" Gale aggred

"Alright we can" Aquamarine replied

And she led them to a island for the rest of the day and the night

She let Niea off before going to see what she could find for food

I wonder how far plantseeing could go

"Hey Evergreen could I join you?" ShadowSeeker asked

"Sure" she answered

And together they went out to look for some fruit or vegetables

"So you having fun on this trip?" Evergreen asked

"Yeah I am" he answered

She smiled

"That's good" Evergreen replied

"Are you having fun?" ShadowSeeker asked

"I am" Evergreen answered

"So do you think stopping the FeatherStream war well be a part of this prophecy?" ShadowSeeker asked

"It probably is" Evergreen replied

"So do you have anyone your close to?" ShadowSeeker asked

"My brother Mushroom..." she pauses to grin "And his girlfriend Kagalay...and my parents" Evergreen answered

"Also don't tell him I called Kagalay his girlfriend" she told ShadowSeeker

"Why not?" He asked

"Because that's not his thought on their relationship" Evergreen answered

"Oh that's interesting" ShadowSeeker replied

"Seriously don't tell my brother he well be mad" she told him again

It'll be true eventually and when it is I can tell him what I told ShadowSeeker

"Do you ever wonder who you'll be with when your older" he asked

"Yeah sometimes" Evergreen answered

"Well I do too" ShadowSeeker replied

"So what is it like being the prophecyrs apprentice" Evergreen asked

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