chapter 17

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They flew high in the sky

They had chosen to go to the Featherscale island ruins next to find the Featherscale

They accidentally flew into a large fight between Featherscale's and Tidestream's

"Go fly fast get home!" A male Tidestream called to the Featherscale's

Aquamarine's eyes widened

"Oh my stars that's king Mako shouting we have to help those Featherscale's get home" Aquamarine said

And they flew down and helped them escape the battle

They dodged angry Tidestream's and protected the Featherscale's

Then a Tidestream came straight from the water hitting into a midnight black Featherscale

"Dew! Get out of here captains orders" Aquamarine yelled

"No I am taking orders from Queen Manta who said to kill the Featherscale king" he growled

Then he snapped the neck of the Featherscale

The Featherscale fell down into the sea

Several crys came from the Featherscale's

Then Dew tried to attack PermaFrost but a cloaked dragon blocked him and protected PermaFrost

They battle until Dew eventually gave up and left

The dragon didn't once speak

Once Dew left they left a little bit after

As they helped the Featherscale's get home Aquamarine came up with a question for PermaFrost

"So who's your guardian Perma?" Aquamarine asked

"I know about as much as you do about them" PermaFrost replied

"Seriously do you think your moth-" Aquamarine asked

"She doesn't have the care in any world about me" Permafrost interrupted

There was silence from then on

Then Gale asked

"How are we going to tell them there king is dead?"

"He is what?!" A Featherscale asked

She hadn't realized they had flew up in front of them until she spoke

She had brown feathery scales with a red underbelly making her look like a robin

"An especially annoying eel of a dragon killed him" Aquamarine answered

"Yeah I don't trust you Tidestream" they said

"It's true" ShadowSeeker replied

"How do I know your not just lying for her" They asked

Then two male Featherscale's flew up here

"It's true we saw it happen Robin" the first one told her

She stared at the two

"F-F-Falcon?" Robin asked

"Yeah Robi it's me" the second one answered

They just stayed there for a while

"I.....I thought you had been killed" Robin told Falcon

"Queen Manta Manta wants you to work for her so she decided not to kill unless we had to" Aquamarine explained

"Then I don't understand why she didn't put me to work or king Crow" Falcon replied

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