chapter 23

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A harsh rainstorm had came out of the blue

And she was taking shelter in one of the islands small forests since all caves were inhabited by something

Whether it being hyenas lions or Swiftclaws it didn't matter just that they were all inhabited

And another thing she didn't really like being in closed spaces

She heard murmurs from other dragons nearby

At least three of them she had seen before, the StormTalon the Rosewing, Evergreen and the Featherscale

"Oh ShadowSeeker I'm glad you looked into the future to see this storm coming so we could take shelter" Evergreen spoke to the Cometflight in the group

She noticed there were both a Featherscale and a TideStream in the group who weren't fighting

This...this was odd

"Yeah I'm glad I saw it too" the Cometflight ShadowSeeker aggred

How? No dragon could see the future no creature could how did he see this coming then?


Owl had been training him while Robin had been gone

Swoop would make a visit here and there, but not as often as Dove and Nest said he would

"Falcy whe Robi come back?" Hawk asked

"I don't know Hawk sorry" Falcon answered

"Buts I miss her" Hawk told him

Robin had obviously built up close friendships with the young dragonets that were here

"Hey Falcon can you bring Hawk and Kestrel here for a minute" Albatros asked

"Sure" Falcon answered

He was happy to be helpful around here

"Hey Hawk can you help me find Kestrel" Falcon asked

"Ye Ye Ye" Hawk answered

Then he ran off calling for Kestrel

A few minutes later he came back with her

And he brought the two dragonets to Albatros

"Hey you two. So I was originally supposed to do this with Robin but anyway would you two like to grow up to take care of the dragonets like me Robi and Falcon do?" Albatros asked

"I'ss do" Hawk answered

"Me too's me too's" Kestrel answered

"Kay Falcon can you tell Owl and Dove there answer for me?" Albatros asked

"Alright" Falcon answered

And he walked off to find the two other caretakers

When he found Dove she was mid story so he decided to tell her later when she was done with her story

She walked down the hall that led to the kitchen and caretakers bedrooms to find Owl

He looked into the kitchen to find her helping Nest make some snacks for the dragonets

"Hey Owl Albatros told me to tell you that Hawk and Kestrel want to become caretakers" He told the duo in the room

Owl looked over

"Have you told Dove yet?" Owl asked

"Not yet she was in the middle of telling a story and I didn't want to bother her" Falcon answered

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