chapter 19

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She flew beside Swoop to there meeting grounds

When they got there a few dragons were there

"Hello there can I trust you'll get the word out that there's a meeting going to happen as soon as possible?" Swoop asked

"Yes we can" the one in the front answered

"Thank you" Swoop replied

And the group rushed off to inform the tribe

"They are good dragons" Swoop commented

"They well listen to there leader no matter what" she replied

Swoop flapped up to the stage and sat down she joined him

"So what should we do well we're waiting?" She asked

Swoops face turned thoughtful

She waited for him to answer

Featherscale's began to show up

There oldest caretaker Owl and escaped Featherscale Jay and of course there was also her brother Falcon

She watched as more Featherscale's showed up

I don't trust this Tidestream and I'm not sure about her friends who seem to stick up for her

Tidestream's are evil they captured innocent dragonets and I refuse to let them get Hawk like that too

She wasn't sure of there way to make sure they were there because of there invisibility

Swoop stood up and the crowd went quiet

"Thank you all for coming tho I do not bring all good news" he thanked his tribe

"As you may have seen we have some of our lost Featherscale's back they were in the Tidestream prisons and King Mako and some of his tribe freed them...." Swoop started

"Why would a TideStream do that?" One asked

"It doesn't sound like something a TideStream would do" another said

"Tho I have more news to share" he called

The crowd instantly went quiet

"And this is not good news. King Crow died in the escape he bravely defended them as they escaped and now I'm your new king" Swoop told them

"No! Not King Crow" one cried out

"he defended his tribe til the very end" another said

"Let's hope they don't take King Swoop as well"

The news had upset the tribe and they would need some time to grieve for there lost King but she didn't think they had that with the FeatherStream war still going on

They did lie about what truly happened

Falcon looked confused

He came up to speak to her

"We didn't tell them truth don't they deserve to know" Falcon asked

"It's for the best Fal" she replied

Falcon looked sad

He never liked to lie about anything

"That is all I have to say" Swoop called out

Then dragons began to cheer

"King Swoop! King Swoop!" They cheerd

A smile lit up Swoops face

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