The confront epsiode one

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A shadowy figure dashed through the bushes stopping right outside of the owl house. Another figure was lookig out the top window of the building as soon as she spotted the other figure she quietly dashed down the stairs, being sure not to wake up Eida or king. She quietly slunked out of the house being careful not to wake the house demon. As soon as she was sure he was asleep she dashed over to the other figure. Luz: "Hunter!" Hunter: "Loosey goosey!" they hugged eachother. Luz had always been hunters friend as soon as she met him at the start of season two. Luz remembered blushing when she had first seen hunters face and she had almost kissed him he was so close. She snapped out of it and looked into hunters eye orbs. Luz: "I havnt seen you in forever where where you?" hunter: "Im sorry my uncle was being strict again." Luz: "Oh what did he do?" hunter: "He scolded me for failing a mission and he almost found my palisman" luz: "oh thats bad. does you're palisman have a name?" hunter: "Yeah I named him keegan" luz: "That's a nice name" they looked at eachother for a bit. Hunter: "can we be like this more offen?" luz looked at him luz: "I don't know"


Amity and luz and gus & willow were sitting on the stairs outside heckside. The school day was over and they were just hanging out waiting for their parents to pick them up from school. Amity: "Luz I had to tell you something" Luz: "Oh what is it?" Amity: "remember grom?" Luz: "yeah that was scary." Amity: "well remember when I wanted to ask someone out" Luz: "yeah who was it for" amity: "well it was for bosha" luz froze solid. Amity was her best friend and shed normally support her with anything but this was too much. "your in love with willows buly even worse a girl?" amity: "uhhh yeah what do you mean" luz: "you cant date girls that's lesbian its bad" amity: "huh whats a lesbian" luz: "its when a girl likes a girl and my mami told me its bad" amity: "its not bad its just love" luz: "not in the human realm and it shouldnt be here" amity stands up and walks off her face is red amity: "your a buly luz let me do what I want I don't care if its wrong" she walked until she was gone luz: "shes weird dating girls is weird" willow: "why is it weird again my dads told me its just is love and it doesn't matter" luz: "your dads are fags too" willow "whats that" luz: "its gay and wrong" willow: "I thought girls were bad dating not boys" luz "no there both bad also those with no genders are bad there all bad" gus: "the head of the bard coven has no gender what about that" luz: "how did he/she get into a coven head if he wasn't a boy or girl its wrong" willow "your being inculturally sensitive" she got up and walked off with gus in the same place as amity walked. Luz watched them and sighed how could people be so stupid? Its basic knowledge that only boys can be with girls Luz looked at the time luz: "oh gosh I need to meet Hunter now!" She wrote down to Eida that she walked home from heckside instead of waiting for eida. Eida got to heckside and Luz wasn't there she saw the note Eida: "hmm" king: "shes fine lets just go home already if she gets lost thats on her." Eida "ok" they both got on Albert and flew off.

Amity in her room was crying amity: "I cant believe luz would say that shes so rude to say that" she grabbed a picture of her and luz at grom and ripped it in half and broke down and cried a lot. Edrik entered her room and saw her crying edrik: "whats wrong crybaby mittens crying over something stupid like liking girls so idiot"emira walked in the room emira: " thats mean she probably been through a lot you dont know anything about her home life leave her, alone edrik" edrik: "whatever" edrik walked off and emira sat down with amity and gave her a necklace emira: "for you sorry edrik is being mean its not his fault mom is being stupid again" amity: "i know shes always stupid."emira: "what are you sad about I can help" amity: "no you cant its about me liking bosha" emira: "what about it" amity: "well i told luz and she didnt like it" emira: "what did she not like about you liking bosha" amity: "she said it was wrong to date girls and i dont get it shes being a buly" emira: "you dont need her its okay to like bosha luz is just being a buly dont listen to her.." amity: "ok"

Luz waiting outside of the emporers castle and tapping her foot luz: "where is he he should be here now" belos: "hes not meeting you anymore" luz gasped and looked at belos standing where Hunter was been when she visited the castle before luz: "belos how are you here how do you figure out we were meeting???" belos: "i can see everything and i dont want my nefew dating a human he needs to be a pure bred and not with a human" luz: "you dont know him he wanted to be with me hes doesnt have to be pure he can be with me" belos: "the titan doesnt like cross breding youll be arrested for this and petrified!!!" luz: "no wheres hunter show me to him!" Belos pulled out a staff and shot magic green goo at luz luz ducked and tried to dodge his attacks almost dying every time suddenly something yellow and fast appeared in front of both of them and hunter was there hunter: "stop!!" belos: "hunter what are you doing im trying to protect our legasy" hunter: "i dont want to be part of your legasy I want to be with luz stop messing with my life belos!" belos: "okay well luz Esto no es humana" he said meaning this is not over human. He disappeared in green goop and disappeared. hunter: "good hes gone maybe hell leave us alone forever" luz: "yeah hope so"

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