a new friend

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on the owl house roof luz was on the roof hunter saw and went over to her hunter: "r u ok" luz: "no i just want to get back home to save my mami why does belos hate us so much??????" hunter: "i dont no but we will find out together with teamwork!!" luz: "yes" luz leaned over and kissed hunter on the lips hunter gasped and got up blushing and concerned on his face hunter: "i have to go" luz: "huh"

hunter in the bathroom grabed out his phone and texted edrik 'hey i have something to say' edrik: 'yeah what' hunter: 'help luz just kissed me she doesnt no!!!' edrik: 'what!!!! tell her!!!!" hunter: 'but it will break her hart!!!' edrik: 'it doesnt matter if your not happy tell her your with me not her!!!!!!' hunter: 'but i gave a hole speach to her about liking her but she clearly didnt understand it ment as a friend not dating!!?' edrik: 'hunter just tell her please youll both be happier this way' hunter: 'ok fine when im ready' edrik: 'good' suddently a knock on the door happened hunter: "who is it" luz: "its just me are you ok" hunter: "im fine im just pooping" luz: "ok ill come back later but were planning how to stop belos now" hunter in his head: "do i really want to stop belos though"


luz found hunters phone on his bed luz: "huh" luz grabed it and opened it and saw the texts from edrik she gasped when she aaw the texts from edrik how could hunter do this to her she kissed him!!!! luz knew gay people were bad EDRIK TURNED HUNTER GAY!!! luz: "INEVER SHOULD HAVE APOLOGISED TO AMITY GAY PEOPLE ARE THE WORST!!!"

to be continued

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