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edrik in his room watching cat videos on youtube when a knock on hes door woke him up he walked to the door to see aladoor there aladoor: "lets go we have to go" edrik: "where" aladoor: "shut up lets go now" edrik: "ok"

hunter in his room in the owl house was chilling looking at keegan keegan chirped hunter: "what" keegan: "tweet" there was a knock on the door hunter got up to answer it it was luz!! hunter: "oh hi" luz: "YOUR GAY YOUR DATING EDRIK YOU DIDNT TELL ME HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!" hunter: "cakm down luz i was going to tell you but you buly me maybe" luz: "NO YOUR GAY I CANT BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND I WILL KILL EDRIK FOR THIS HE TURNED YOU GAY!!!!!" hunter: "just stop yeling luz I new you would acting like this omg maybe i should just move out with edrik hes nice than you omg" luz: "hoe dare you get out" hunter: "ok i will" luz: "fine leave!!!" hunter: "ok"

Back with edrik

Edrik and aladoor having father sun bonding times when a knock on the door stoped them edrik: "who is it" hunter: "its me open things didnt go good with luz" edrik: "o sorry that bad" hunter: "yeah :(" edrik: "ok come in" hunter: "ok" hunter comes in and sees aladoor aladoor: "whoes this edrik" edrik: "hes my boyfriend dad hunter the golden guard" aladoor: "WHAT NO YOU CANT DATE THE GOLDEN GUARD???" edrik: "i can date who i want dad omg" aladoor: "ok" aladoor walk off with an abomination in his hand aladoor: "dont be funny or i Will abomination you" hunter gasps hunter: "ok" aladoor walks off agan edrik: "so what hapennd" hunter: "luz was homophobic again she didnt like me being gay she kissed me shes so HOEMOFOBIK!!!" edrik: "its ok we can fix it" they kissed

To be continued

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