♡ Mammon x GN!Reader

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Character: Mammon

Fandom: Obey Me! Shall We Date?

Pairing: Gender Neutral Reader x Mammon

Category: ♡

Words: 2139


The bell rang for the final time today and you bolted out the door. The brothers and angels in class watched you leave with quickness, wondering why you left in a hurry. Mammon was first to notice, when you began packing your bags before the bell rang. The instructor was still teaching at that time and when he was going to pass a note to you, you were already ready to go.

He watched your fingers anxiously wait for the sound that can cause your escape to who knows where. He was confused, what could it be that you're possibly skipping out walking home with him for? He'd for sure ask you about it when he can.

Levi and Satan were next to notice, both barely looking up from their game and book after you had rushed past them. They felt a gust of wind and saw the blur of your body. It was only a second later when Satan saw your figure leave the classroom, almost catching your foot on the door. He was going to yell at you to be careful, but you were too quick. Levi, on the other hand, wasn't sure it was even you he saw blur passed him. Usually, he'd be too invested in his game to notice, but this day was something different.

The others just questioned what you needed to do, Luke suggesting some sort of baking even though Simeon and Solomon knew that was incorrect. Simeon was confused as well, though, usually you staying behind to study or go back with one of the brothers. The only other brother that didn't bat an eye was Asmo, but he could care less with what you were hurrying yourself off to.

Solomon knew. He knew what you were doing today and what you were up to. You sought his help, as a fellow human. He helped you prepare after the brothers left, Lucifer included. It wasn't even that big of a deal, but you were reassured with the help Solomon had given you. Your small plan in motion and all you could hope for was Solomon to help finish it. You quickly texted him, telling him that you were ready.

Your outfit fitted against you well, something you were sure to impress the one you're trying to swoon. Solomon thought it was sweet, you had such a crush on this brother. He was your first after all, yet something about him as time went on drew you in. He was different, the only one you could talk to about anything that was on your mind, the only one out of all the brothers that you went to for comfort.

Even though, at times he'd only ask for money, you'd give in because you liked him too much. And now Solomon was bringing him to one of the restaurants, making Mammon think that it's just a Solomon and Mammon outing. It barely happens, but usually Solomon treats so he doesn't complain. The only complaining from Mammon is how he couldn't go home and change, plus the quietness from the other human is really throwing Mammon off.

You were waiting at a table, head down and looking at Solomon's texts. He was almost there and you were waiting patiently, with your ordered drink of choice. You'd wait for food, since you were expecting someone else in your party. A party of two, you were hoping when he figures out Solomon would not be joining. Solomon knew where you were sitting upon entering the place with Mammon, he could see you with your head down watching your phone. He silently nodded to himself, taking note of where you were. Him and Mammon sat at a table nearby, Mammon beginning to look at the menu, glad he was not to be spending money today, but still upset that he was in his RAD uniform at such a nice place. At least he didn't have his jacket on, so he can still look look somewhat presenting at this "fancy" and "expensive" place.

Solomon excused himself only a second later with Mammon nodding, looking through the menu still. Solomon quickly dashed from the direction of the restrooms, to the main entrance and exit. He quickly texted you, telling you that you're good to go. Upon standing up, you quickly scan the area, noticing Solomon giving you a thumbs up from outside of the window. You make your way to the table that Mammon, and previously Solomon, was in. Mammon was grumbling about the waiters and Solomon taking too long. When you sat your cup down and yourself, he was still head deep into the menu, but the minute he spoke up about it "being about time you came back", he looked up and noticed it wasn't Solomon, but instead you in his place.

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