It just so...UGH!!

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Robin X Reader

Warnings: None.

"Please, I don't want to go by myself," You grumbled.

Jack turned to you and knitted his brows, "You wanna invite her, you have to ask her."

"But I've never spoken to her with just me so it would be totally weird if I went up to her alone and asked," Your mouth tumbled away and you groaned, leaning against the wall of the mall.

Jack looked over to you with a condescending, disapproving look. Your brother had always been this annoying, grumble monster of hate.

"Please!" You clasped your hands and leant forwards.

"Hmmm.." He began, looking over your head. "No," He finished, you turned and looked at the 'Family Video' store.

"I actually hate you," You said, pushing past him.

You shook your hands at the sides of your body, pushing, forcing any embarrassment or anxiety away.

It wasn't a big deal, you were just inviting her to a stupid party, it's not that deep. People who want to get to know people invite them to things, that's okay, that's good. It's totally and completely fine.

You didn't walk into the line, instead you walked up towards the counter and looked over at Robin who was selling movies to some teenagers.

You didn't know what to say and your mind bubbled with anxiety as it flooded back into your mind.

It was all going to be totally and completely fine. It wasn't a big deal, it really wasn't.

"Robin!" You said, dear lord.

She looked towards you and your stomach turned, which was completely and utterly mind numbing.

She smiled at you when she saw you, like she knew you. Despite the fact you had felt like she hadn't noticed you for 3 years.

"Hey, y/n right?" She asked, handing someone a chocolate ice cream. "$11.70. please," Robin said to the customer.

"Yeah, from band," You said, Jesus were you ever going to get to the stupid point?

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked, leaning against the counter as there was no one else in the line.

You walked forwards and stood in front of the till.

"I was just wondering if you liked parties?" You said, if she liked parties? WHAT? If she likes parties, Jesus fucking Christ.

"Y-Yeah, I do?" She asked, smiling at you. Her smile lit up her entire face, you smiled again.

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm having a party on Friday and I thought you might like to come?" You said, looking around the store to see if anyone saw that catastrophe.

"Totally. I'd love to," Her voice cracked and you found it totally endearing. It was probably the cutest voice crack you'd heard. Not one that made you laugh and wince.

"Great. You can bring any of your friends too, like, that's totally cool." You we're dying inside at this point, clutching at any straws imaginable.

"C-Cool. Where do you live?" She asked, you thought about how you could give her it and then remembered she worked with Steve.

Eddie Munson and character one shots !!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant