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Robin Buckley X Reader
(This is rlly bad I'm sorry)

Warnings: kinda smutty?

You watched as Robin walked out of her house. She was wearing a large flannel with a long sleeved shirt. It was her favourite flannel and she wore it almost every day.

She walked quickly across the lawn as you saw a tall man appear at the doorway. He was about 6 foot and muscular. Someone who you wouldn't want to get in the way of.

He stared down at you both as you leaned over and opened the car door for Robin. She smiled when she jumped in, slamming the door. She glanced at the man before buckling herself in.

"Hey," You said simply before starting the car. "Who's that?" You asked, nodding to the man in the doorway.

Robin had a sheepish smile, "That's my Dad. He was convinced I was going out with a boy," You smiled. The irony was painful and you couldn't help but look over at the man in the doorway with a small amount of pity.

You held up your hand in a wave before rolling away in the car.

"Don't wave at him, weirdo," She scrutinised, pushing your hand down. She had a smile on her lips despite the scolding.

You turned towards the road, suddenly smelling the scent of Robin fill your car. She had such a specific smell it always lingered on clothes you wore around her. It was something similar to vanilla and strawberries moulded together. It was always the same and always made it feel something like home.

"What are we 'studying' again?" Robin asked, using air quotes.

"We are studying." You stated, glancing at her. You saw a smile pull at her lips but you shook your head. "I mean it, Robin. You need to get at least 60 to even be considered for graduation," You said.

Robin didn't say anything so you continued, "Physical changes in chemistry."

"Okay. That's like, if you melt it, it's different," You pursed your lips to stop a laugh slipping from your lips and nodded, "Yes."

You turned into your street after a few minutes and parked up on your driveway. You jumped out of your car, followed by Robin.

When inside the house Robin came up behind you while you threw the keys into the bowl and ran her hands around your waist, hugging you.

"Steve?" You yelled, you listened for a response, only to get one from Robin.

"You know, Y/N. I could really do with you not yelling my best friends name while I try and seduce you," She muttered into your neck.

You laughed loudly, "Seduce me?" You questioned, forgetting all about where Steve might be.

"Of course," Robin giggled, you turned and looked at her as she stared at your lips.

Being with Robin you had noticed how often she looked at your lips. It made you the same amount of flustered each time. Your face would turn red often and Robin would laugh at you.

"No," You pushed her away, grabbing her bag and walking into your bedroom.

You threw her bag onto the floor and jumped when you felt a hand run over your ass.

"Robin!" You gasped, moving away. "What?" She asked, acting as though nothing had happened.

She threw herself onto your bed and you stumbled in after her, laying next to her.

She turned and rest her head in her hand, propped up on her elbow. She grinned down at you, looking at your lips.

"What has gotten in to you?" You asked, covering your mouth. You were now very cautious of how your face looked as you blushed profusely.

"I haven't seen you for an entire week. Do you understand how long that is?" She asked, pecking you on the lips. "You need to study." You grumbled, sitting up again.

"It's literally 12 o'clock. We have all day," She said, sitting up with you. You glanced around the room and shook your head, "No. We're studying," You stated, walking over to your desk and grabbing your notebook and text books.

"Come on," You said, motioning for Robin to come and sit on the floor. "Why?" Robin asked, dragging it out. You grunted, waiting impatiently.

She was always like this, she never wanted to do anything to do with school. It was probably why she was struggling so much. You suspected it was because of her concentration, she could never seem to pay attention to anything of substance.

You huffed as Robin ignored practically everything you said and pretty much just copied everything from the text book. "Come on, Robin." You muttered. She smiled, half-heartedly, "Sorry."

You just told her to make flashcards because then she'd be able to do active recall. She nodded, she then silently did the flashcards while you created a mind map.

She looked more peaceful so you didn't interrupt her. Despite the fact that when she leant forwards you could clearly see down her shirt.

You shifted slightly, looking down at your mind map, shaking your head.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked, you looked up and her flashcards were finished, only they hadn't been stapled together yet.

"Nothing," You said, smiling slightly. She blinked before squinting her eyes, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, nothing at all," You said, shrugging your shoulders and putting your mind map out of the way, on top of your text book.

Robin hummed, standing up and laying on your bed. "What are you doing?" You asked, she sighed. "My back kills."

"Same," You replied, getting up and laying next to her. She closed her eyes and she looked peaceful again.

You smiled to yourself before turning over and resting a head into the crook of her neck. She smiled with a released breath, you put a hand onto her stomach and traced circles against her navel.

You kissed her on the cheek, pressing kisses to her neck as you slowly worked down her jaw and neck.

"Someone's changed their tune," She muttered, putting a hand to your cheek.

"Shut up," You said, kissing her on the lips. She kissed back immediately. You looped your hand under her pants and slid it under her underwear.

You gasped as your cool skin met hers. You smiled into the kiss, slipping your tongue into her mouth.

You pushed a finger into her and grinned as she grunted into your mouth.

You jumped as a loud noise interrupted your moment. You pulled your hand out of her underwear in surprise and pulled away from Robin's mouth.

"Holy shit," You heard Steve say as he held the door wide open. "Get out!" You yelled.

Steve laughed loudly before pulling the door back. You blushed profusely and looked at Robin who stifled a laugh.

"Fuck," You muttered, letting yourself fall back into your pillow. You covered your face and yelled into your hands.

"Fucking hell," You muttered, laughing. "Should we go and talk to him or.." Robin said, unsure of what to do.

"We could. Or we could stay here and have sex?" You asked, shrugging your shoulders. Robins smile spread and she shrugged before leaning forwards and kissing you again.

Your mouth melted into hers and you wrapped your arms tightly around her shoulders.

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