Spin the bottle

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Eddie Munson X Steve Harrington (I've never written this before so don't judge me)

Warnings: None.

Eddie Munson would fight tooth and nail than say he was associated with Steve Harrington.

He didn't not like Steve. Steve was fine, it was who Steve was, who he associated with. Steve always had a way of having the worst friends imaginable.

So when Eddie got invited to a party 'King Steve' was having he very almost declined. Lord knows he would never be caught dead at a party that had people who would hate crime him littered around.

But eventually a few hours before said party Robin called him,

"Hey, Eddie. Are you going to Steve's tonight?"

Eddie hesitated before letting her down gently, "You know, I think I'm gonna miss it. Doesn't seem like my scene."

"It's not like a party-party. It'll just be the guys," She said, calmly over the phone.

"Who's the guys? Tell me it's not going to be babysitting club because I can't be bothered," Eddie said.

"No, like Nancy, Jonathan, Argyle. Those kinds of guys. People over the age of 18," She laughed down the phone.

"Fine, as long as there aren't Steve's friends shitting on everyone, I'm there." Eddie finalised.

The party looked like it resided inside because lights were streaming out into the dark night.

Eddie would be lying if he said he hadn't been stressing over what to wear.

He had gone back and forth for an hour, eventually he decided on his denim jacket and a Black Sabbath shirt because he caved and gave up.

Steve answered the door with a large swing and smiled at Eddie. "Munson, welcome," He said pretty simply.

"Hey," He said, walking into his house. It was warm and smelt of cigarette smoke and spilt beer.

"Everyone else here already?" He asked, Steve nodded and put a hand on Eddie's back, guiding him into the living room. Eddie's cheeks heated and he put it down to the turn in temperature.

"Look who I found," Steve said as they entered. They all cheered and whooped, looking up at him.

Robin was pretty bang on about who was going to be there.

In the room sat: Robin, Vickie (wink wink), Argyle, Jonathan and Nancy. Obviously with the addition of Steve and Eddie.

It was cute and comfortable which Eddie liked.

"You want a drink, dude?" Steve asked, grabbing Eddie's shoulder. Eddie nodded as if he tried to speak it might come out as a squeak from the contact to Steve.

Steve walked off to go and grab him a drink of some kind and this left Eddie to sit down on the couch.

Despite there being clear room Jonathan, Nancy and Argyle had opted for the floor. Nancy only seemed to be there so she could lean into Jonathan's lap and Argyle was clearly just there for the vibes.

Steve was back with a beer and as soon as he sat down Robin had yelled, "Spin the bottle!" With no further context everyone made murmurs of agreement.

Eddie moved down onto the floor and everyone moved bottles or cans of beer, which seemed to have already littered the floor.

"Does anyone have an empty bottle?" Eddie asked, everyone murmured before Vickie pulled one from behind where Jonathan was sat.

She placed it in the middle and they all argued over who should begin.

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