Chapter 13... Mystery Lays

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I left a note in the entrance of my house to my parents saying I went out with a friend. We walked out of the door and immediately saw Jason walking with a girl ahead of us. I panicked a little but I didn't know he was seeing someone.

-"Why don't we go this way?" I asked her, pulling her arm "But my house is this way" She looked at me confused "Wait.. Adrielle?" She said looking at the girl Jason was with. My eyes widened when both of them turned around and in fact it was true.

-"Oh hey!" Both of the girls went directly towards each other and hugged. Jason also went walking towards them and I thought I would at least say hey "Hey Oliver, I thought you were still at the hospital" "No I got out a few days ago" I said smiling "I'm really sorry I didn't text you but I have been busy" He said looking at Adrielle

-"Oh you're dating her?" I asked "Yeah we are, she is just amazing" He looked back at me smiling. "Well I'm glad I mean this is your first girlfriend right?" "Yeah she is and I couldn't be happier" I knew he was as he kept smiling and it made me think differently about Adrielle.
As we and Jason were talking, she came closer to me with Adrielle saying that they have known eachother since grade seven and have been close friends since then. "We were about to go to my house, would you guys like to come?" She asked and I looked down at her shocked. "Well we were about to get something for lunch so yeah I guess that would be fine" Adrielle responded.

We all walked together to her house and when we got there, we all went upstairs to her room. I sat down in her game chair, Jason sat down on the fuzzy carpet on the floor and the two girls sat down on the bed together "So Oliver when will you go back to school?" Adrielle asked me with a mischievous smirk.

-"Well the doctors said that I had to wait at least 5 days before going back so I will be returning tomorrow" I said trying to not hit her little face that I hated. "That's great" She said back "It's almost 14:00 do you guys want to order something?" Jason suggested.

-"I would kill for a pizza right now" She said looking at Jason "Relax hun it's not like a bank full of money" Adrielle said. She immediately looked at her with a terrified look. I looked at Jason and we both looked confused.

I wanted to cut the moment of tension so I pulled out my phone "I could order the pizza" Everyone's attention focused on me after that.

After I ordered the pizza we all thought to play a little game of truth or dare like we were 10 year olds. I went first and asked Jason "Truth or dare Jason" "Let's go with truth, I don't wanna do anything crazy right now" "Name someone you have pretended to like but actually couldn't stand?" I asked.

-"Umm, well Liam actually..." He said, looking at me. Even though I was mad at Liam I didn't expect that answer from him. Liam joined the football team from the start of the year and since then he has become really popular in school but has also become a big jerk.

-"I won't tell him don't worry" I said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Adrielle, you can go now," Jason offered. "Alright" She said turning to my girlfriend "Truth or dare?" She asked "Truth I guess" She said with a little giggle.

-"Have you ever killed something or someone to get something for yourself"

Horror crossed through her face again as she said those words.

-"What?" Me and Jason said in sinc. I was extremely confused by what she was saying.

-"Come on... yes or no?" Adrielle pressured her even more. "Baby what kind of question is that?" Jason said

Adrielle stayed quiet still looking at her while she stayed frozen staring at Adrielle in fear.
Suddenly I woke up in my bed. how I was in my bed, it couldn't have been a dream... it felt so real.

I looked at the time and surprisingly it was the next day and I had to go to school. It was 6:00 a.m so I got up and got dressed, prepared my bag and got a quick breakfast before leaving. I checked the place that I left the note in my supposed dream but it wasn't there...I guess it was a dream.

I grabbed my skateboard that I had in the front and left for school. I left my skateboard next to Noah's bike that I saw parked. I had English in the morning and went to the classroom with Noah who had the same class as me that morning. Adrielle and my girlfriend were in the same class as well.

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