The Zodiac Circle Guide Pt 1

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In a far away place called the Zodiac Circle, the 12 communities of zodiac lived together in harmony. Every year they held a festival honoring each and every one of the Zodiacs. The Zodiacs consisted of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. On the 21st of each January, there are big parades going down the streets with floats that have dancers dressed in their representative zodiac. The floats are always a bit different and each year they are even more colorful. Your zodiac is based on the day that you were born. 

     Whenever someone is born, they are almost always close to their parents' birthday and are allowed to stay within their country. On the off chance that they were born a different month, they are sent to another relative until the age of 7, the age they are allowed to move to other countries, when they can finally reunite with their parents. However, this phenomenon is extremely rare, so most do not worry about it. 

     Moving on from that distasteful topic, there are the names. Very common names for children are the months of their birth. Like June, May, April, March, honestly any month that exists. Others might name their children by the season they were born in. Like, Autumn or Fall, Summer, Spring, or Winter, y'know, the seasons.

The legends of The Zodiac Circle (TZC for short) are extremely well-crafted and this makes them believable. People know of legends and stories passed down generation to generation. These legends say that the zodiacs were created in order for the universe to be in balance. People believe this so much so that it is its own religion, called Temongaco. Some people go to a Christian church, some go to Catholic or Muslim, but the most popular religion is Temongaco, the religion can be roughly translated to astronomy, the study of stars and constellations, the origin of all legends. So, it is mandatory that every week people who believe in Temongaco, go to a Circle house, where each one of the different signs goes into a room with their zodiac written above it, and perform rituals. Most who believe in these rituals believe that by doing them, they can send off the energy that they were made to give to the universe for it to stay balanced. However, even the non-believers believe something everyone else does too. The walls that made the Zodiac Circle what it was, protected it from the outside. Was that really the truth though? Was the outside really dangerous? How did we know that for sure if no one has actually been there. These are all questions I, and surely many others have, but were taught not to ask by everyone around us.

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