The Zodiac Circle Guide Part 2

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      Every country was led by one person picked by the whole community to rule for a decade. The election usually lasts about a year and each decade the semi-temporary rulers of each country have a contest in which they play to win the title of "Zodiac of the Year". Many participate in these events, but only one comes out. To make things even more interesting, and so there isn't always the same winner, the games change each and every year. At the moment, the existing countries are Solarita which belongs to Leo, Lunaris belonging to Cancer, Mercurial belonging to Gemini, sharing borders with Mercurion, the country of Virgo, Venere belonging to Taurus also overlaps with the country of Venera, belonging to Libra, Marten is the country of Aries, Plutone is Scorpio's, Giovanne is Sagittarius' country, Saturnoni is Capricorn's, Urano is Aquarius' country, and Pisces has Nettuno.

   Although circled by a gigantic wall, each and every country has its own mountains and bodies of water, just so that the more athletic signs can do what they were meant to, after all, that is what everyone wants. Also, whenever children are ready to go to university, everyone goes to University Tutti Appartengono, which just so happens to be the place where the contests happen. Over the years, the school has become larger and larger, as the population increased and every zodiac was welcome, because there were no other universities, and as its name states, it is the place where everyone belongs, and students can befriend other zodiacs, thus developing good alliances into adulthood.

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