Aiana and Lora Guide

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I was talking about Aiana before, but I didn't really elaborate. Aiana is a blonde Leo who also wears glasses. She doesn't wear the "popular" glasses, though. She wears rectangular glasses that she somehow pulls off? She also has a Gemini girlfriend named Lora. They couldn't be more different. In fact, some people have even begun to call their relationship an oxymoron, to which Aiana has scoffed and Lora sometimes backed her up, well, most of the time she just smiled awkwardly. Lora's hair is half and half. White and black. Yin and Yang. Speaking of, she also has a yin/yang symbol on her cheek. Aiana, on the other hand, has the cutest widdle whiskers. Aiana had popularity before, sure, but after she and Lora joined the volleyball club they gained even more popularity after winning multiple games and almost making it to the finals. Now, in their second year, they are aiming to reach the top. I honestly don't think Aiana's a bad person, seeing as how she managed to get a girlfriend like Lora. I just think she's a little salty. Before I forget to mention, Aiana is a giant. She's 6'2! And that's on the rare occasion that she doesn't wear heels. Compared to her, Lora, who's 5'10, looks like one of snow white's dwarfs. All in all, they're really cool, and it's no wonder that they're so popular, after all, they are Gemini and Leo.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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