010 On Their Tracks

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It's the next day and Laurie's mind is still reeling from last night when she went to Steve's place. Normally she comes to her senses shortly after a fleeting moment with Steve, but last night was just.. different. It left her feeling strange, the cozy feeling in her chest still lingering as she woke up, still in his dorky yellow sweater.

The air surrounding them last night felt different, the way he looked at her was different, the way her heart kept in her chest was unusual, too. She doesn't want to get her hopes up, because she knows Steve is interested in Brenda, or whoever it is, but something about last night just felt raw and honest; vulnerable and trusting.

It felt like more than just two friends bonding and sharing clothes.

Laurie was successful in sneaking back into the house unnoticed, thanks to her rebellious younger brother. When she got inside, he had asked about her change of clothing, a sly brow raised when she was hesitant to explain herself. Obviously, it wasn't what James was insinuating by any means, but Laurie decided to just let him assume the worst because exposing the "American Heroes" plan was all too embarrassing.

Not that she got much sleep anyways, but Laurie was woken up abruptly by a call from none other than Dustin Henderson. Groggy and overheating in Steve's yellow sweater, she answered her phone, only to be yelled wide awake by the 14-year-old demanding that she get to Scoops as soon as possible.

It was early, much earlier than she had anticipated to wake up, but when both Robin and Steve's voice came into the call, she knew she didn't have much choice in the matter.

So, now Laurie is in the employees only room at Scoops Ahoy, stealing glances at Steve every so often - which he was doing, too, unnoticed - while Dustin paces back and forth. "So, I did some more snooping, and I've figured out that we need a keycard,"

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now