030 Not Kids Anymore

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     Laurie has been not-so-patiently awaiting the two-week break. She only has a few more hours left to endure before she's free from academic stress for fourteen days and can distract herself with anything that isn't study related. She's never experienced burnout before, but she's pretty sure this is as close as she's ever gotten.

     She's supposed to go visit her older brother in the second week of Spring Break, and she's never been so excited by the idea of being burnt to a crisp because of the California sun. Robin plans to check a few things off of her bucket list, too, and as her best friend — and the only one between them with a license — Laurie is obligated to assist her in the matter.

     Laurie has — or, had, rather — vague plans with Steve, too, but she's not too sure whether they're actually going to do any of them or if Steve is all just talk. Either way, she's just jonesing to avoid Hawkins High like the plague for a few weeks.

     She was never one to actively despise school. In fact, Laurie quite enjoyed it. She loved getting praises from her teachers on essays she worked hard on, loved doing cheer with Chrissy and sitting in on Robin's band practice every Wednesday. Hell, she didn't even mind the pizza the lunch lady served every second Friday. Don't get her wrong, school isn't always fantastic, but it's usually alright.

     But for some reason, things have been.. different lately.

     Maybe it's the fact that her graduation is happening in a month and then the countdown before college really starts. She's still waiting to hear back from the University of Chicago. Both her parents and Steve continuously tell her that she has nothing to worry about, that she's done everything right and it's just "in the heart of the cards" now. But that hasn't stopped her from checking her mailbox every morning for a sealed envelope with her name on it and the school's emblem propped in the corner.

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now