018 Sleepyhead

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Laurie can't put her finger on it - well, okay, she literally can't put her fingers on anything because of these stupid goddamn restraints around her wrists - but that's beside the point. Point is, something is definitely wrong.

Call it a stomach instinct or whatever the saying is, but the fact that she and Steve have been locked in this room and not a single Russian has come in to bother them since their visit with the doctor is strange. Like, she's totally justified in being suspicious, right? That's definitely weird and totally not normal.

Okay, sure, Laurie would entertain the idea that she's overthinking it like always, but it's not like she can even reach a concise conclusion if she tried. She'd have asked Steve for his thoughts on the matter if she could, but the boy had passed out mere seconds after the needle made its way into his neck and he's been unconscious ever since.

There wasn't much Laurie could do to entertain herself, to keep herself busy from dying of boredom. She's tried humming the lyrics to her favorite song, but she just ended up sending herself into a mental spiral because she A) couldn't figure out what her favorite song was and B) couldn't seem to remember any of the lyrics to whatever song she landed on. Laurie eventually gave up and the silence was deafening.. well, that was until she heard Steve groan from behind her.

"How long was I out for?" Steve had asked her a minute or so after he'd woken, voice still groggy with sleep and exhaustion.

Time seems so pointless now. Laurie has no clue whether it's night or day, what the date is anymore, or how long it's been since her skin's been christened by the hot ray of the July sun. She's in desperate need of a tan and an ice-cold lemonade.

"No clue," Laurie shakes her head lazily, feeling ultimately sluggish for a reason she can't quite pinpoint. She slowly moves her gaze down to her hands situated in her lap and her brows furrow as she's suddenly aware of her limbs and how freakishly heavy they are. Have they always been like this? "Those morons took my watch like.. forever ago,"

[REWRITING] When He Sees Me, Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now